Year 9 - 2022

Michelle Lynch

Our Year Nines for 2022 have had a successful start to Middle School. The Year 9 Team is made up of Carly Gaffney (Year 9 Coordinator), Marisa Di Paola (Year 9 Coordinator) and myself (Year Level Leader). Please feel free to email or call if you need support throughout the year.

 Over the last two weeks, our students have been very busy, they have settled into the Year 9 space, participated in our Year Level Assemblies and  been allocated lockers and have begun the CONNECT program. Students have adapted very well to Middle School life and I am looking forward to getting to know them all.

CONNECT enables our students to have a break from their traditional studies and engage in programs and experiences that help them connect to our country, community, school, peers and themselves. CONNECT runs all day on a Wednesday and students will participate in all 12 Units across the course of the year.

Already, CONNECT Groups 1 and 2 have headed into the City. Ms. Douglas and Ms. Hunt were proud of the way our students conducted themselves, commenting that: 

"Today, our new Year 9 students (2022) had a very successful day in the city for CONNECT City Project! Congratulations to groups B and H who were the winners of the Amazing Race!"

CONNECT Groups 7 and 8 participated in boxing for fitness today, by all reports they had a great time.

Take care,

Michelle Lynch

Year 9 Level Leader