Assistant Principal Report - Junior School and Wellbeing

By June Sainsbery

Our 2022 Year Eights have been on camp this week.  This has been a great way for them to get to know their teachers and classmates and participate in a range of outdoor activities.  Although the weather was cooler than expected (particularly for the second camp), the students and staff participated enthusiastically.  A big thank you to all staff who attended camp, particularly the staff who were at camp for the whole week.


The Year Nines have settled into E Wing and have begun their CONNECT program on Wednesdays.  We were very proud to receive a phone message from a lady who observed our students in the city.  She wanted to share with us how impressed she was with the respectful behaviour and conduct shown by a group of our Year 9 students. 


I am pleased to announce that our Junior School Captains for 2022 are Hannah Birch and Oscar Botterill.  The Vice-Captains are Max Fitzgerald and Feodor Ivanov.  I would like to congratulate and thank all students who applied.  I look forward to working with the Junior Executive Team in 2022.


This term we have had a focus on cyber-safety and community safety.  Students attended a webinar that focused on how to keep themselves safe online. The PPU (Proactive Policing Unit) came out and addressed our students about the laws around online platforms and talked about some of the anti-social and illegal behaviour they have observed in the local area.  They delivered a strong message that such behaviour will not be tolerated.


As students prepare for 2022, I would like to draw your attention to our uniform policy, in particular, shoes.  We have observed some students wearing incorrect footwear.  We understand that students’ feet grow, and retail shops have been closed for significant part of Term Four, however we look forward to seeing all students in correct uniform at the beginning of 2022.  Please click on the following link for our uniform policy.


As we come out of 2021, we hope for a more settled 2022.  I wish you all a safe holiday break and look forward to working with you next year.