Assistant Principal Report - Senior School and Curriculum

By Michael Tuck

VCE results for 2021 year 12 students are released Thursday 16th December at 7am.  This is an exciting time and we wish all these students well with results and 2022 offers.  Pathways and wellbeing staff will be available for any student requiring support with plans for 2022 on release of results.  No matter the outcome we are proud of each of you and look forward to hearing your success stories in the future.


It has been great to see students engaging positively during roll over in their 2022 classes.  The two-week period is an important time to ensure learning occurs up until the end of year and that classes get off to a smooth start in the new year.  This is particularly important for students in a unit 3/4 class, who will also be given some holiday homework to ensure they are in good position to be on top of studies in what will no doubt be another busy year.  The school holiday period is a particularly good time to read English texts for a first time (these should be all read multiple times before exams!) for the upcoming year.

It was exciting to announce our new 2022 school leaders following a rigorous process.  I’d like to congratulate all candidates for the outstanding way they conducted themselves, we are proud of all of you. We are very much looking forward to working with the new leadership team to continue the work done by our 2021 student leaders.


Our 2022 year 11 students have settled into the Senior Centre well.  It is always nice to welcome new cohorts into the space that will be their ‘home’ for the next two years.  Year 11 VCE students also sat the Progressive Achievement Test in Reading and Maths during VCE Program time.  These tests provide valuable information to classroom teachers to help support student learning.


Year 10 students settled in well to classes, with many beginning a Unit 1/2 study, and our first intake into our new Vocational Pathway.  The Vocational Pathway has replaced the VCAL pathway and is in response to the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority’s Senior Secondary Certificate reforms.  It will be exciting to see this new pathway take shape in 2022 and better meet the needs of our students.


Finally, it has been challenging year on many levels.  Thank you to all students and families for the ongoing support and positive attitude. We’re looking forward to a more settled 2022 and hopefully getting back to a full year of being onsite.  I wish you all a happy holiday period and hope you enjoy a well-earned break.