Creativity and Originality


The wildly popular Boroondara Youth Film Festival has a distinctly Kew High School flavour this year. The festival highlights the best work from budding film makers under the age of 25.  Three Year 12 media students have had their final films accepted into this year’s competition.  Aidan Tai-Jones, with his live action/animation short, The House That Sprout Built, James Haddad’s dark and gritty, Idle Playthings and Max O’Callaghan’s futuristic, Glimpse will all have their public debut.


The Festival showcases thirteen films, so it is a fantastic effort that three of the films come from Kew High School.  They are wonderful examples of the creativity and originality of our students and stand as exemplars for future Kew High film makers/artists. 


Congratulations to Aidan Tai-Jones whose film The House That Sprout Built, was awarded Best Production in the 2014 Boroondara Film festival.  


Frank Ferretti

Head of Arts

Glimpse - Max O'Callaghan

The House That Sprout Built - Aidan Tai-Jones

Idle Playthings - James Haddad