End of year party at CJC.


CJC Year End Party on 8 December 


Dear families,


We will celebrate our newly found freedom with our CJC Year End Party on Wednesday 8 December. It will be a fantastic opportunity for families to meet and share some fun time together after this challenging year. We will also be bidding farewell to our year 6 students who will be leaving CJC at the end of the year. We are looking forward to seeing you all the party!


When:  The party will start at 3.30pm. School doors opening at 3pm for families who want to enjoy some of the rides earlier. 

Where: School grounds

What: We will have samples of the “Rock Bottom” performance (starts at 4pm) and sport activities, a bouncing castle, amazing rides, sausage sizzles and pastries 

How: Families and students are invited to wear their Houses’ colours and represent their Houses at the sport activities

Entrance fee: 5$ entrance fee per person (not including food) – Payments on Compass to be made prior to the event

Important notes:

  • The entrance to the event will be subject to the Department of Health COVID restrictions including evidence of vaccination.
  • We are calling out for volunteers to help during the day. Your class conveners will be in touch with families to organise the event.
  • EFM or Team Kids will maintain their after school activities for families who cannot attend at the time the event will start. If you decide to attend the event instead, please liaise with them directly.
  • Students must be supervised by parents/carers. 


We want to thank the EFM as one of the sponsors of this event.


We are looking forward to seeing you all!