From the School Leadership Team,

From Mr. Chant.



This week many of our families will join together to celebrate Chanukah. Chanukah is the Jewish eight-day, wintertime “festival of lights,” celebrated with a nightly menorah lighting, special prayers and fried foods.


The Hebrew word Chanukah means “dedication,” and is thus named because it celebrates the rededication of the Holy Temple. Also spelled Hanukkah (or variations of that spelling), the Hebrew word is actually pronounced with a guttural, “kh” sound, kha-nu-kah.

This week it was very welcome sight indeed to see our parents back on school grounds during the afternoon pick up. Please remember to maintain social distancing and follow all our COVID management expectations.


We have a School Review planned for term 3 in 2022 and there will be a range of ways made available to students, families, staff, the community and CJC stakeholders to contribute to the review process.


In recent times two of our students competed in the Victorian Junior Road Cycling Championships. Paravi and Chavi Tanksale competed with distinction and Paravi was awarded silver medals for her U 11 performances. Well done to you both.


As the year comes to a rapid end, I would like to remind families that the last day of school for students in 2021 is Thursday 16th, December.  Classes will dismiss at 3.30pm.


The 2022 School year starts for our students on Tuesday, 1st February at 9.00am. Preps begin Monday, 7th February at 9.00am.


Term dates 2022 for Caulfield Junior College.


Start date                                                    Finish date

Term 1    Tues, 1st February,                 8 April

Preps start Mon, 7th February.

Term 2     26 April                                      24 June

Term 3     11 July                                        16 September

Term 4     3 October                                  20 December


Transition for our prep students winds up next week and we are very pleased with how our new students have settled into the activities, made new acquaintances and enjoyed the chance to come to school at CJC. The transition for our current students is planned for next week and this is an exciting day when students meet their 2022 classmates and teachers.


Our Year 6 Graduation is planned for Wednesday 15th commencing at 5.30pm. This event is planned to be held in the SLC to give us the best chance of ensuring this important event can proceed without being impacted by the unpredictable Melbourne weather. Any updates on information regards this event will be sent to Year 6 families via Compass.


Today we commenced dismantling the temporary stage that was installed for the performance of the musical “Rock Bottom”. The recording of the performances has been completed and will be taken to our production team for preparation of the final product. Well done to our cast and crew for the resilience shown to complete the show and to our staff and volunteers a big personal thanks for ensuring the show could still go on despite every obstacle possible being put in our way.


Over the last two weeks we have been able to have classes attend planned excursions external to the school. Having our children be able to access these spaces and the learning linked to the excursions has been a very pleasing outcome. Our parent volunteers have stepped into the spaces and made sure these important opportunities could occur. 


The power of the volunteer and the contributions we can all make will ensure the school continues to build and grow. Early next year we will again open classrooms for volunteers to support student learning and activities. We offer training programs, we maintain a volunteer register and ask all volunteers to be COVID safe and maintain confidentiality around their work. (Current Working with children check, full Vaccination against Covid-19)


Next Tuesday the lost property will again be on display and we hope that families can regain their items and have them ready for 2022, fully named and labelled.


As we approach the Festive season we are always midful of others, be grateful for what we have and where possible make sure that those who are less fortunate than ourselves can be supported. This year we are providing the opportunity for families to donate non perishable items into hampers for distribution in our local community. Please drop off these items at the front office or ask your child to make this important delivery before school.


Below is the Teaching staffing plan for 2022. Children will meet their new teachers next week. There are still some staff to be allocated to roles and placed in classes according to the needs of the students and the programs.


Year Level TeamTeam Members  (In Bold - Victorian Curriculum)

Emily Ding, Lily Owen 

Georgia Leonard, Laure Baque

Year 1 and 2

Leora Heitlinger, Kat Donald, Nick Reese 

(Year 1) Thomas Lewis, Aurianne Brandely

(Year 2) Christelle Breimeyer, Sue Karantonis

Year 3 and 4

Emily Wade, Ben Stein 

(Year 3) Will Ramano,  Cat Wilson 

(Year 4) Angelique Beauvais,  Don Kirk

Year 5 and 6

Sheralee Spencer, Irena Karakouskis 

(Year 5) Stefan Beal, Anne Aubree 

(Year 6) Gerard Maher, Anne-Cecile -Floch


Sara Neep (Performing Arts) 

Gemma Triscari ( Physical Education) 

Melissa Wright (Visual Arts) 

Vincent Berraud (LOTE)

InterventionMindy Somers - Katherine Keily
French Additional AssistanceDiana Duimovich - Katia lewis

We are saying goodbye to a number of staff next year.


Sarah Kounaves is moving to Presbyterian Ladies College. 

Sabrina Caouette-Jacques is moving to Western Australia to teach at Wesley College.

Grace Mahmoud is moving to Sandringham Primary School.


I would like to thank each of them for their contribution to our school and wish them every success as they commence the next part of their professional journey