Pastoral Academic Care (PAC) 

Pastoral Academic Care (PAC) Focus -  Valuing Other Cultures

Well Being Element -  Meaning and Purpose


Character Strength -  Bravery


Parent Wellbeing:  Mindfulness is about pausing to connect with yourself and the present moment. To achieve this, you need to find unplanned and unstructured time to notice something different about every day. Another effective way to do this, which will benefit your wellbeing, is to regularly do the mindfulness activities from www.learningcurve. Your son/daughter’s school has a username and password.


The 21st century is one in which nearly every town and city contains many families from numerous countries around the world. Our country has evolved from the input of many rich cultures. Each has brought its own special mix of traditions, rituals, foods, clothing, languages and many other valuable perspectives. Open-mindedness to accept difference as a normal part of life, is a strength which requires courage to use properly. Community wellbeing and social connectedness relies very much on seeking first to understand and appreciate different cultures and what special gifts that they bring. Students build these understanding through listening, observing and asking questions to learn more. We can learn a lot by watching preschool children from many cultures playing together. They accept, play with and learn from each other as equals; no judgements being made. In Australia there are about 90 different cultures and in New Zealand about 75. Both of our nations are in a constant state of cultural change and accepting difference and diversity will see both countries continue to prosper. The essential element for personal growth is for students to look at different cultures through the lenses of their top strengths. This will enable them to look for what is good about what they see and experience. 


Acknowledgement: Covey & Fredrickson

Year 7

Ms Natalie Mellowship


Year 7s, we have made it to the end of an academic year more challenging than any of us could have foreseen. I commend each of you for the perseverance you have shown over the course of the academic year. You truly embody O’Connor Catholic College’s Values of being safe, valued, respected and cared for and of being a learner.


Let’s take a moment to reflect on what has truly been another incredible year. We have seen you build skills and mindsets that will help you to thrive as learners. You’ve been able to set goals and focus on learning. We’ve seen your effort, motivation and confidence increase this year as you settled into life at High School. 


When we transitioned to Connected Learning, you continued to develop, learn, and grow in many ways. For a lot of you, learning at home without the usual structures of school had its benefits. You developed skills and strategies you’ll need for your future studies like learning to work independently, problem-solving, and asking for help when you need it. 

We’ve also been able to celebrate the many successes of our Year 7 students, ranging from Principal’s Awards, Pastoral Academic Care Leader Awards to Subject and Special Awards at our Presentation Assembly. Celebrating success is an essential element of every classroom. It is the driver behind student motivation, self-esteem and creating a positive classroom culture. A huge well done and congratulations to all our students who have worked extremely hard to achieve their very best this year; we can’t wait to see what next year holds!


Before we end the year, I’d like our students to remind themselves about what their superpower is. How have they used it to help them grow this year? How has it developed over the year? Be fearless. Be tenacious. Go after what you want. Be a leader. Take control. Don't like how things are managed? Change the status quo. Knowing your superpower changes everything. 


On behalf of the Year 7 PAC team, we would like to take the opportunity to wish all our Year 7s and their families a happy and restful break. Enjoy the time spent with your loved ones and we look forward to welcoming you back ready for another year of learning in 2022.


Natalie Mellowship on behalf of the Year 7 PAC Team

Year  8

Mrs Kath Czinner


Our final newsletter. It also draws my time as Year 8 LOL to a close. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with this cohort and wish all the students all the best in their future years. I have seen tremendous growth in them in their journey through Stage 4. I feel I have challenged the group to be the best version of themselves and to take on each learning opportunity with enthusiasm. I reflect and admire the students as they have displayed resilience, learnt valuable life lessons and were able to move forward with confidence. As we move into Year 9, we all get a fresh start, a new curriculum, new classes, new teachers and new challenges. There is so much to look forward to. But firstly, enjoy the Christmas Season and have a wonderful break. 


I wish Maddie, Sophie, Lang and Liam all the best as they move on to their new location and schools. I hope the friendships you have made and the experiences you have gained at O’Connor will provide lasting memories.


I express my personal thanks to our wonderful Pastoral Academic Care team for the care and guidance they have provided our students: Mr Roff, Mr Kelly, Kate, Mr Wooster, Renne ,Mrs Bell, Miss Campbell, Mrs Fittler, Mrs Leggat, Mr Trinh, Mr Hawthorne and Miss Suann. 

Mrs Menz has led us with such admirable enthusiasm and I thank her for entrusting me to lead this fine year group.

“The will of God want lead you where the grace of God can’t keep you”


Take care everyone.

Year 9

Mr James Russell


And just like that 2021 is very quickly drawing to a close. It has definitely been one with many challenges, but also some excellent opportunities for learning, growth and development for the Year 9 Cohort. At the beginning of the year we introduced our theme for the 2021 ‘Good, Better, Best’. It was intended that this theme would encompass all that we as a year group did across 2021 and that it would drive all students towards their very best efforts. The year began with our Yr 9 Camp at Lake Keepit. We enjoyed a fantastic camp experience and it really set the tone for the year ahead.


The middle part of the year was punctuated by the impacts of Covid 19 and time spent in remote learning definitely challenged us all. Many students showed great resilience and personal responsibility over their learning during this period.


As the year comes to a close, it has been fantastic to celebrate the efforts and successes of our students. A large number of Year 9’s have received Principal’s Awards and Subject and Special awards at our Presentation Day. The high level of commitment and effort towards learning exhibited by Yr 9 was clearly evident in these achievements

On behalf of the Yr 9 PAC Team I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and restful Christmas break.  We hope that each of your families are able to enjoy a safe and meaningful time with family and friends.


In closing, I want to say a very big thank you to the Yr 9 PAC Team for their efforts across 2021. Their commitment to supporting, challenging and encouraging our students has been outstanding. We have enjoyed a strong sense of collegiality and worked very well as a team in supporting Year 9. Our students have been very fortunate to benefit from each of your expertise and kindness.


James Russell on behalf of the Yr 9 PAC team

Year 10

Ms Amanda Bell and Mr Frank Patricks


Merry Christmas.

Do you know it’s Christmas?


There have been over two thousand times that this wonderful time of year has been celebrated. In this time there have been billions of people celebrating in many ways that have looked and felt very different for many differing cultures and time periods. However, there has only been one simple message for all the years of celebration - LOVE. 

It is a time to get together and celebrate the wonderful family and friends we have in our life. We bring back memories and remember the loved ones that are no longer with us, rejoicing in the fun, laughter and care we have with the then, here and now.  Yes, it is great receiving gifts at  Christmas, but the pleasure you receive from giving gifts is far better. Whether you have bought a gift or spent time on making a gift, the look of kindness and love on a person's face when you present a gift is the true message of Christmas.

So deck the halls and celebrate the love of Jesus Christ this festive season.


The Year 10 PAC coordinators and the wonderfully supportive PAC leaders would like to wish all Year 10 students the very best for the coming festive season. It has been a year that has given us a lot of ups and downs, and this has only made you more resilient. The growth we have seen in all the year 10 cohort has allowed a great grounding for you going into the senior years, and with continued growth your outcomes will not just be met, but will exceed all your expectations.  There is a lot of hard work in front of you in the remaining time at OÇonnor Catholic College, and you are all more than up to it. So, have a great break, enjoy your time away from study and refresh yourself, ready to nail years 11 and 12. 


Time to chill and enjoy - Have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year,


Amanda Bell and Frank Patricks on behalf of the Year 10 PAC team.

Year 11

Mrs Vicki Channon


You have made it through a very busy and at times (well, let’s say quite a bit of the time!!!) , definitely challenging 2021. Well done, you are all amazing:))

The PAC team has witnessed so much growth over this year, socially as well as emotionally and ultimately some great growth in learning. We are very proud of you all.

Term 4, the commencement of their HSC studies. Terms 1 to  3 warmed everyone up for what was to come in regards to wrangling with assessment tasks, due dates, studying, learning new content, developing relationships, juggling school, jobs, leadership roles…. The list goes on. Students have given it their best and that is all we ask.


A huge congratulations to the leadership team for the manner in which they have stepped into their role and we wish to thank them for the many responsibilities that they have undertaken over these last few weeks of term. A huge thank you to all of Year 11 who have supported these students in a mature, professional and steadfast manner. I have said more than once that the whole cohort are leaders, and I will continue to pass on this message. We are a team and success requires collaboration, participation and a good attitude.

RECONISING THEIR EFFORTS: Jordan Blanch - Principal's Award, Ella Relf - Merit in SOR II, Zac Walters - Merits in Construction and Design and Technology, Blake Tricker - Merit in Visual Art


We wish students and their families a safe holiday and a very Merry Christmas. Relish the time you have together as it is so precious.

2022 will go so fast, so please make some time during the break to go over notes, make summaries, do SOMETHING in preparation for a solid and successful return to the final countdown to the HSC!!!


I would personally like to thank the PAC team of Pete McLeish, Ruth Patrick, Del Smidt, Jenny Roff, Mark Honeysett, Ian Tonkin, Jen Frazier, Lilly Moar, and Steve Kirkaldy for their continued support of me in my role as Year 11 Leader of Learning. It is with some sadness that I have been absent for a lot of Term 4 due to unforeseen circumstances, and have missed some special events. However, I am positive as we look forward to a fresh, new and exciting year for our Year 12 2022 and our PAC team.


Lord, I set my heart on You. You are trustworthy, faithful and the Giver of the gift of peace. Please fill me, this Christmas season. As others see Your peace in me, let them recognize You as Savior. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. - Amy Carroll


Vicki Channon and the Year 11 PAC team

Year 12

Mr Mark Fulloon


Firstly I would like to acknowledge the work of the Year 12 PAC Team for 2021;


Mrs Megan Wooster, Mr Mark Harris, Ms Regina Menz, Mr Nicholas Bolger, Miss Melanie Sampson and Mr David Lush.


I would also like to thank the office and admin staff for all their hard work with special mention of Mrs Gemma Creagan and Mrs Liz O’Hara, who without their support this event would not have been possible. And thankyou to our hosts St Alberts College.


FORMAL TIME: It was worth the wait - Year 12 celebrate their resilience. (PHOTOS: Stephanie van Eyke.)'


I also would like to thank the O’Connor student leadership team and house captains for all their work over the last year, and what a year it was!


So to the students, well done for this important milestone of graduating and finishing the little thing we know as the HSC, and as many of you already know this wasn’t a one year journey it was a 6 year journey, which started to look like a real life marathon, and I have been along for the entire ride. Which brings me to my first quote;

” buy the ticket take the ride”


I have worked alongside this group of students since 2016, firstly as a Year 7 and 8 PAC Teacher, then was asked to take over in 2018 as the Year 9 PAC leader, which was originally just as a 6 month replacement, then becoming an ongoing contract. So I have been lucky enough to follow this group of students throughout their entire high school experience. From a group of nervous Year 7 students to the confident group before you today. (yes there was challenges and setbacks but I wouldn’t change a thing despite sometimes feeling well and truly in over my head).


I have taught many students in this group in either junior mathematics, junior wood tech and stage 5 design technology, many would remember my next quote; well I hope you do,

“if it goes on the board it goes in your book’

and have also told many over the years

“ the more know the better you go!’


Throughout the years this group have continued to develop into free thinking and thoughtful young adults with a strong sense of community and social justice. Especially when it came to wearing the correct socks. Hippy Socks, the ever popular mismatched socks or the good old Santa Cruz, Adidas, Nike anything really, other than the correct school socks matched with either Vans, Airforce Ones and the occasional slides or now the socks with Birkenstocks. Yes it’s not always about academic endeavours in schools but if they listened,

” the more you learn the more you will earn!”


Over the years students have been involved in Lassalian youth programs, the SRC, the Vinnies group, Zonta International, chess club, sporting teams, youth groups.

We also have a large number of very talented musicians, singers, actors, and athletes amongst them.


They have donated to various charities and causes throughout their time here and for those involved you would have heard me say

“ we ask a lot, but we have a lot to do”.


This year this fine group of students also have worked for the good of the school and the wider community and managed to raise over 4 thousand dollars for the Rural Kidney health clinic, which was their chosen charity. Some of this work required students to run the much loved brekky club, albeit in the middle of our freezing Armidale winter mornings, and all before going off to class. An awesome effort guys (give yourselves a clap)


In the 6 years you have been here at O’Connor, there has been smiles, tears, cheers, probably from many parents, carers and teachers as well, but for all the highs and lows, you continued to develop your own unique set of skills and became focussed on your post school journey.  Not being defined by what had happened in the past, but looking towards a bright future, this is an important lesson that comes from being a part of a close knit school community that we have here at O’Connor.


Which brings me to my final points from and I hope you take note:


“life's a garden dig it” (Joe Dirt) not mine but I think this one is fitting, get out there have a go, learn from your successes and mistakes and find the good in your life.


Soon you will all be off on a variety of adventures; university, work, travel ,or trying to find yourselves whilst still living at home (and using streaming services that you don’t have to pay for).


This next quote is an important one for when you leave home and have to make your own meals and do your own shopping.

 “if in doubt throw it out”. (this is a refrigerator reference and if still unsure try to remember what you were taught in junior food tech or science).


Also I think of the important life lessons of driving and the independence it brings young people. But in regards to driving,

“ sit low and drive slow that is my motto”!  


And don’t worry about the car you drive or what you own, this does not define you as a person, as I have often said  “don’t be ripping on the JAZZ” it gets me to where I going and Year 12, you are all going places.


My final point is this,  

Be safe, have fun, continue to learn and grow as a person and remember that you all have your own unique strengths and talents, see where life takes you.


2021 was tough no doubt, but “NOW” is your time, make sure to use it wisely.


“Don’t stop believing’ Year 12 “just don’t sing it!”


Mark Fulloon (on behalf of the entire Year 12 PAC team).