Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,


This will be the last time I write to you as Principal of O’Connor, a role I have absolutely loved and given my heart and soul to, it is an amazing place to have led and worked for many years and there is definitely a sadness to this farewell.  


On Friday 3rd of December at our Presentation Day, I spoke a little about how I feel about leaving -


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the O’Connor Community, students, staff, parents and Parish for your support over the past 5 years. I feel incredibly honoured to have been Principal of such a great community. It is definitely with mixed feelings that I am leaving. Every time I have tried to write something to express how I feel about O’Connor it comes out trite, but I honestly mean it when I say this is an amazing school. When I first walked through the gates in 2003 to do my first day as a casual teacher, I knew O’Connor was a special place. The sense of community and the value of faith and learning is evident on entering O’Connor.


Over the past years, the strength of our community has been shown in how we face adversity. From droughts, to global pandemics, tornados, we’ve had it all. Through all of this, the way we have come together and not just survived, but thrived has been so amazing to witness and be part of. 


You might say if you love O’Connor so much why are you leaving? For me it is about what is good for both the school and me professionally and personally. I have had 5 years of leading this wonderful College and it is now time for the next person to take O’Connor to the next level. I welcome our new principal Mrs Clare Healy to O’Connor. 


For me, my driver has always been to make a difference to our children’s lives. I fundamentally believe that education has the power to change lives as it has mine. I am the 7th child out of 8, and my parents left school early. Dad was a truck driver and Mum stayed home to look after the kids (well mainly did the washing)! I was always encouraged to do my best and this is my wish for you. 


Education is at an exciting place in our contemporary world with emerging technologies and innovative ways of thinking and working. The challenge of providing quality learning for our students, teachers and our whole community in a Catholic context is one which I am excited to have the opportunity to expand. I look forward to working with O’Connor in my new role as well as other schools across our diocese, never losing sight of the transformative power a catholic education can have in a person’s life. Students, take this opportunity, do your best and don’t be afraid to fail, dust yourself off and try again. Remember - we are Founded on Faith and Focused on Learning. 


In the words of Angela Merici

‘Act, have faith, make efforts, have hope, speak to God with all your heart, then you are sure to be amazed’


Thank-you to the O’Connor Community, students, staff, parents, carers and Parish. I am incredibly grateful for being part of this great place. I would like to wish you a happy and holy Christmas and hope that you have some time to rest and reflect this Christmas time. 


Staffing 2022

I would like to thank and acknowledge staff who are leaving at O’Connor at the end of 2021. Mr Darryl Harper, our Wellbeing Officer, whose care and compassion for our students, staff and whole community has been amazing and will be much missed. Madame Florence Champion de Crespigny who has enthused our whole school with her passion for French and Languages. Miss Brydie Hawthorne, one of our Lasallian Youth Ministers who has enhanced our faith community through her strong work in developing relationships with students, organising and running retreats and Youth groups and by her presence working with some of our most vulnerable students. Mr Jamie Moore who has quickly built strong relationships in the two terms he has worked at O’Connor. Phoebe Biddle who has worked in learning support and has shown that her career choice (teacher) is the correct one. Renee Russell who has worked so strongly to bring a strong cultural connection for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island students and all our community. Bethanie Rice who is finishing her contract as Learning Mentor where she has coached and guided our senior students to achieve their personal best.

I would like to welcome Sophie Troon and Emelia Rice to the role as Lasallian Youth Ministers from 2022. Emelia will also take on the role as Learning Mentor for our Senior Students. 


And for the last time - what new learning will you undertake this week?


Regina Menz