Congratulations to all the candidates who received the Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist over the past week. Many of our children in Year Three and Year Four, along with their families, have waited patiently over the past few months and some since last year, to be able to attend their Celebration Mass. Fr Michael has scheduled, rescheduled and made arrangements with families to enable our children the opportunity to attend Mass and receive their Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist. We are truly grateful for the wonderful work Fr Micheal does with Sacred Heart School and our families.  


This week brings to a close the Christian Liturgical Calendar Year. Many of our students across different year levels have been exploring key events, symbolic icons, liturgical colours and various elements that are represented within the Liturgical Calendar

This coming weekend is traditionally the time we put up our Christmas tree. It marks the beginning of the Season of Advent and the beginning of the Christian Liturgical Calendar Year. This calendar is used by Catholics and many other faith based religions worldwide to mark the annual cycle of seasons and days observed in the Christian churches in commemoration of the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  

Julie Leonard - Religious Education Leader


Please find below the link for the November edition of “Our Diocesan Community”