Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

Preserves Fire Sale!

Due to ongoing restrictions this year, we haven't had the opportunity to sell our delicious selection of preserves like we normally do. That has left us with a huge stock pile of items we'd like to clear by the end of the year!


This Wednesday, all our preserves including jams, chutneys, pickled items and quince paste will be for sale from $2 each. A table will be set up outside the office from 3pm. Come by and grab a delicious bargain! 

Kitchen Garden Update

This term our Grade 3/4 students. Have been  making a variety of foods, many of them new to their pallet.

Last week we made Sticky Sesame Cauliflower. It was a huge hit. Who would of thought that so many students would devour cauliflower and ask for more! We our cauliflower bites  with a Kale and Lentil Salad.

Many students ate lentils for the first time and to their surprise they actually enjoyed them.


I love that the children feel our kitchen program offers them a safe environment to try new foods. Often it is an experience shared with their peers.


I have attached both recipes for you to try at home.


On the 1st of December our Grade 5/6 students will be enjoying a 3 course luncheon that they have created.  In the planning process, students have had to consider special dietary requirements and ensure their course can be prepared within a 40 minute time frame before sharing with their peers.


The students from Mrs Fletcher's class have been joining us in the kitchen each Friday. Their program will be based on learning basic kitchen skills, these include grating, cutting, peeling and slicing and tasting new foods. The students will also continue to learn about healthy eating and will make a variety of foods using the fresh produce from our garden.

In the garden across the last 2 weeks the 3/4 students have been harvesting produce and completing a treasure hunt. Lachie, Flynn and Dylan were the first to complete the hunt and got to give the chickens a bath. Charlie quickly found all the treasures and you can see his items in the photos, well done Charlie. Thanks to Eli and Milla for running the share table, you can see Eli enjoying some of the fresh lettuce. Broadbeans were harvested by the boys and sent over to Mrs O, while other students pulled weeds and pruned the fruit trees. Great effort in the garden 3/4’s, looking forward to the coming weeks of term 4.
