Junior School News

Families with Year 2 Students - BYOD Program Years 3-6

The Teesdale Primary School BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Program has been a fantastic initiative for students in Grades 3-6 for the past few years. Next year, it will be your child’s turn to begin the program as they enter Grade 3. In order to prepare for this, I have created an information presentation outlining the program and what steps families need to take to be ready for next year. These details have also been sent directly to you via Sentral. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher via Sentral. 

Year 1 and 2 News

Thank you Amelia and Jayme from Deakin

This term we welcomed Amelia and Jayme from Deakin University to our school. They are currently studying Occupational Therapy and completed their placement here at Teesdale. Amelia and Jayme have been supporting our 1/2 students to achieve a range of goals such as fine motor skill development, self regulation strategies and social skills. 


One of the strategies they have introduced is an indoor obstacle course. This course will act as a brain break station. With permission, students can complete the obstacle course to help them feel regulated and ready to learn.


Last Wednesday, students thanked Amelia and Jayme for their enthusiasm and support during their time at Teesdale. We wish them all the best for their ongoing studies and sincerely thank them for the positive impact they have had on the students at our school.



In numeracy, students have been revising the mathematical knowledge and skills covered throughout the semester. It is also the time of the year when students begin to complete a range of summative assessments prior to the end of the term. Students have been completing end of year assessments for numeracy using Essential Assessment. It has been incredibly pleasing to see the growth students have demonstrated in mathematics despite another year of challenges. Keep up the great work ½’s!



In Literacy, we have been reading books from the author Judith Barker. Last week we read, ‘The Oo in Uluru’ and this week we are reading, ‘The EE in the Deep Blue Sea’. Judith is the winner of the 2019 Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year Award. Her books are great for developing the phonemic awareness as each book focuses on a particular sound (or phoneme) as well as including rhyming words. The books also help students learn about  Australian animals and places and acknowledge the traditional custodians of these regions.