Art News

Year 8 - One Point Perspective 2022 Class
In this class, students created a 3D drawing using converging lines that meet up with a vanishing point to create the illusion that there is depth and form in the boxes. Students had to follow the four steps;
1.create a V shape
2. draw 3 parallel lines
3. using the last 2 parallels create a rectangle
4. erase the triangles.
Year 9 Visual Communication 2022 class
For this task, students had to create an isometric drawing using a 30/60 degree set square. All the lines in an isometric are parallel and no lines will ever meet;
Year 10 Cartooning/Illustration
Students worked in a range of mediums and learnt different drawing techniques. One of the tasks was blending dry pastel. Here are some student examples.
Students were also set a range of drawing tasks that required them to develop their observational skills;
Year 10 Art
Students were set drawing tasks that involved using different techniques, mediums and equipment.
These included, the pen & ink technique– Students used nib pens and ink to copy images straight onto the paper, as per the below images;
and stippling and rendering techniques;
Yr 9 Art – Drawing from Observation
This task asked students to select and draw sections from a soft drink can - this could be the whole can or sections of different cans;
Students were also directed to find an image and then cut it up into four sections and rearrange these to create a new composition. Students were then permitted to use any medium to execute their subject;