Assistant Principals' Reports

Simon Jones
Assistant Principal - Senior School
We are almost at the end of another challenging year. Whilst it has been difficult at times there is much to reflect upon and be proud of. The students have done an amazing job to overcome all of the circumstances with which they have been confronted. The staff have also been fantastic and have gone above and beyond to support their students and maximise engagement in the most challenging of environments.
In particular I would like to commend and express my admiration of our Year 12 group. Completing the two years of their senior certificates, both VCE and VCAL, in the midst of daily uncertainty would have demoralized a lesser group. They collectively maintained their focus on the final goal and were superb in the way that they managed themselves. They withstood, overcame and triumphed in the face of an ongoing global pandemic, an earthquake and a once in a generation storm! Our VCE Biology and Maths students sat these exams in semi-darkness after the storm with many having spent anxious hours navigating their way to school through blocked roads.
I look forward to celebrating with them at the Valedictory Dinner as never before has this been as well deserved.
I have also been very impressed with the way all students have embraced Freshstart which helped us put a line under the year that was and move forward to new beginnings. I am very hopeful of a relatively normal school year in 2022 and wish everyone a safe and relaxing summer break with family and friends.
Andrew Wynne
Assistant Principal - Junior School
It is with a sense of optimism and excitement that we approach 2022 at Dromana College.
After a severely affected year, due to the global pandemic, all our students are now where they learn best, in the classroom with their peers and their teachers. While Dromana College's remote learning platform was an effective and, in many ways, a state-of-the-art learning platform, it can never permanently replace face to face learning, particularly for junior school students. Our teachers are equally as excited as the return to face-to-face teaching allows them to give students the instantaneous feedback that they need to progress their learning and allows them to engage in thoughtful group discussions and activities.
It has been an exciting time at the College. We have met the parents of our new Year 7 students in person, musical soirees and performances have returned and we eagerly await the Presentation Ball and Valedictory Dinner which will be held with parents in attendance over the next two weeks. These are important milestones for students and can’t be replaced.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents for their herculean efforts during this period of remote learning. The support that parents have given our school has been overwhelming. They have ensured that their children are online, ready to learn and engaged, often while themselves working from home.
It is with optimism that we approach COVID normal and that lockdowns become a thing of the past. While we need to remain vigilant and continue to keep everyone safe, we can again plan for the things that make school special, camps, group activities, excursions, tours and connecting with other people.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone in the college a happy Christmas and fun filled and safe holiday season. It is a break that is well deserved.
Stephanie Pearce
Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning
It has been wonderful to see students and staff re-engage onsite for their final term of the 2021 academic year. After a long year of again moving in and out of the remote learning environment it is great to finally see and hear the energy and enthusiasm of students back in their classrooms with their teachers and peers.
There have been many opportunities for reflection this year as a result of working and studying remotely. I believe these circumstances have truly reinvigorated the way we each think about teaching and learning – and has encouraged families, students, and teachers to work in greater partnership to provide effective learning for all students at Dromana College. Whilst I will be glad to say goodbye to full day interactions via a screen there have been gains from the digital learning environment which will see students continue to extend their knowledge and expand their thinking by using technology more effectively as an educational tool. Our staff recently came together to formally reflect on the teaching and learning of 2021, and I can confidently say the gains and pivots from this year will only further enrich our already strong programs.
Dromana College is currently in the process of developing our next Annual Implementation Plan. This process gives us the opportunity to reflect on, recognise and celebrate the work we have undertaken and the significant achievements of our students. For 2022 our focus will be to provide a strong learning environment that supports all students at their individual point of need. In support of this focus, we will continue to build a learning environment that allows all students to grow as happy, healthy, and active members of their school community.
Congratulations again to the commitment and resilience of our whole school community for another successful year. Merry Christmas and have a safe and happy summer holiday.