Final words

Josip Loncaric

Seven years have passed since we took our first steps as the Keilor Downs College Soccer School. Our numbers started at 42 in total and today we sit on 131 active students in the program and although every single individual has an inner voice and reason for being in the program, it is important to remember that the game of soccer or football will always be just that; a game.

There must be a joy that comes from training, from playing and from achieving success together and experiencing the pain of defeat. All of these moments will play a major part in the development of a young person that will leave our program and become an adult that will need to find a place in the world. We will continue to do our part and as families, we know that you will do your part. 

We will finish this first edition of our newsletter with a little passage from a terrific book.


"One of the most obvious family rituals – and, if research is to be believed, one of the most significant – is the family dinner. Studies report that children who eat dinner regularly with the rest of the family have higher self-esteem, larger vocabularies and are less likely to drink, take drugs, or develop eating disorders. And these are just some of the benefits identified! Indeed, one survey determined that time spent eating meals at home was the single biggest predictor of children’s academic achievement and behavior." 

(from "The Brain Always Wins: Improving your life through better brain management" by John Sullivan, Chris Parker)

We hope that you enjoy this newsletter and we would love to have some feedback from you about what you would like us to cover in future editions.

Please email us at: