Around Grade 3/4

What is happening around Grade 3/4 we hear you ask. We have completed NAPLAN and all survived. We are gearing up for camp and we are investigating the similarities and differences between Australia and countries in South America and Africa. Specifically we are investigating the similarities and differences between the climate, landscape, flora and fauna of these three continents. To do this we are looking at some threatened or endangered animals. 3/4E has written some facts that they have discovered about threatened animals.


The leather back turtles length: 1.8 - 2.2 metres long. They can swim 35 km hour.



The Vaquita (the worlds rarest mammal) lives in the Sea of Cortez in Mexico 

Vaquita Dolphin
Vaquita Dolphin



Siberian Tigers - no tigers strips are the same.



There are only 1000 white tigers left in the wild. White tigers can swim.

White Tiger
White Tiger


There are only 55 Maui dolphins left. They have an expected life span of 20 years.



The population of the Northern White Rhino is 2 but they are trying to breed them with a black Rhino.



The Red panda likes to eat leaves, bamboo, fruit, insects, bird eggs and small lizards.



There are an unknown number of Black Spider Monkeys left in the world.

Northern Spotted Owl
Northern Spotted Owl


The Northern spotted owls has 11 different sounds it can make.



The Gorilla's habitat is getting destroyed, they chop down the trees to start mining.




Koala's are endangered. The Australian Koala Foundation estimated that less that 100,000 koala's have been killed, injured or displaced during the bush fires.


Rhinos have no known threats in the wild apart from poaching.



Blue whales are endangered with only 10,000 - 25,000 left. A blue whale's heart is the size of a small car and can be detected from more than three kilometres away.


Chloe -Grade 4

Red Pandas furry reddish brown coat can help them camouflage as a fur tree- which is a tree with reddish brown spots on the branches. 

Red Panda
Red Panda



Some Scientists have found a 20,000 year old Woolly Rhino under the earths surface.



The Baiji's only predator is humans. The Baiji is a type of river dolphin.

Baiji Dolpin
Baiji Dolpin


Chloe  -grade 3

Snow leopards are getting killed every week from hunters and poachers. Poachers are a big problem in Asia. Snow leopards live in snowy areas.



Maui Dolphin are particularly vulnerable as they have a short life span and are slow to reproduce. They only live up to 20 years which is a short lifespan compared to other dolphins. Females have their first calf from 7-9 years of age.