Sport News

2021 Athletics Carnival

O’Connor Catholic College - 2021 Athletics Carnival.


Last Friday’s carnival was held in a blistering 8 to 9 degrees and a mixture of tepid sunshine and wind chilled cloud cover.

Congratulations to those students who not only attended but participated and, most importantly, stayed until the end of proceedings. Thank you!


Here are the results:


12 years Girls -        Champion     Aleesha Stuart L (77)

                                    Runner Up    Charo Brown L (58)


12 years Boys -        Champion     Sajak Timalsena M (57)

                                    Runner Up    Giles Buckland L (45)


13 years Girls -        Champion     Eve Newsome U (75)

                                    Runner Up    Hannah Friedman M (47)


13 years Boys -        Champion     Bailey Howe L (60)

                                    Runner Up    Ben Kneen L (30)


14 years Girls -        Champion     Brooke Newberry B (a whopping 106 pts)


Brooke was first in the 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Discus, second in the Javelin and needs to practice her Shot Put.


                                    Runner Up    Shanae Wark M (42)


14 years Boys -        Champion     Jackson Riggall U (65)

                                    Runner Up    Lang Toakley M (55)


15 years Girls -        Champion     Lily Moore B (53)

                                    Runner Up    Indiana Ramage B (40)


15 years Boys -        Champion     Hudson Williamson L (62)

                                    Runner Up    Joe Schmude L (57)


16 years Girls -        Champion     Chelsea Morley M (53)

                                    Runner Up    Isabelle Kelly L (32)


16 years Boys -        Champion     Sebastian Stoessel B (56)

                                    Runner Up    Claude Toakley B (51)


17 years Girls -        Champion     Anastasia Martin U (73)

                                    Runners Up  Lucy Barley U (44)

                                                            Elian Cotter M (44)


17 Years Boys -       Champion     Emerson Fittler U (65)

                                    Runner Up    Zac Walters L (34)

Congratulations to Emerson who broke the only record for the day. His time of 23.06 seconds for the 200m broke the previous record of 23.35 set in 1996 by Jude Quinn.


This brings us to the all-important House Cup points for the carnival. 

After checking, double-checking and triple checking the results and points and trying his very hardest to find more points for Ursula, Mr McLeish assures me that these are the final standings (including march past, war cries and best dressed): 


In fourth place          Ursula                        800 points

In third place             La Salle                     898 points

In second place       Merici                        903 points

And the winners       Benilde                    1034 points    

OCC Girls Rugby


Friday 14th May saw the comeback of the North West Regional Youth Rugby Competition supported by the NSW Rugby Union. The O’Connor Catholic College Girls’ squads have been training since the start of Term 2 with NSW rugby coach Hagen and were extremely keen to get back out on the field of play. 

Both U16s and U14s squads played great games with notable performances from Jemimah McKay, Shanae Bull and Angela Ryan. The OCC girls displayed great sportsmanship with many of our players offering to play for other teams to make up numbers. 

A huge well done and congratulations to all the girls, and a big thank you to the OCC staff (Natalie Gurr, Dea Trigwell-Lindley and Phoebe Biddle) for all their support. 


Rugby League - Inverell


Some of our students traveled to Inverell for Rugby League on Thursday. As more information comes to hand it will be added. Here is a short video in the meantime.