Week 4&5 Snapshot

Welcome to the Grade 4 Snapshot!

Please find below an outline for the learning that the Grade 4 students will focus on over the next two weeks. 


Students are beginning a new unit of study, based on the central idea - writing is a way to communicate beliefs and values. Students will explore this understanding through reading and writing. 

In writing, students will look at creating and modifying imaginative literary texts. They will focus on incorporating a theme or message into their writing, by thinking carefully about how to orangise and sequence their ideas clearly. 


In reading, students will look at traditional folk tales, myths and fairy tales. They will learn to identify and discuss the big ideas, themes and messages from their reading. Students will learn how these are universal and can be applied to multiple texts and the world around them. 



Students will beginning looking at multiplication where they will investigate number sequences involving multiples of 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Students will be able to demonstrate multiplication in multiple ways and use efficient mental and written strategies to solve problems. Students will make the connection with multiplication through using repeated addition, arrays and equal groups


Unit of Inquiry

Students will start our new unit of inquiry, How We Express Ourselves. Students will inquire into how understanding different cultural expressions allows us to connect with others. 


Over the next several weeks they will explore the lines of inquiry: 

  • Cultural practices and values 
  • How cultural practices reflect our identity 
  • The ways people relate to each other

Students will begin by gaining an understanding of what culture is, and recognising how visible and more hidden aspects of culture are underpinned by values. 


Classes are continuing to use circles and philosophical inquiries to support students wellbeing. 


Homework will be sent out on Monday for Weeks 5 & 6. Students need to complete the expected tasks which include reading, maths and word study and record their homework in their planner. Students may also complete the optional tasks. Homework is due Friday, May 28th. 

Grade 4 Camp

Camp Rumbug was a big success! The students were really well behaved and did a great job of being risk-takers as they tried many new activities. The students also demonstrated they were caring friends by looking out and supporting each other. We would like to thank all the teachers and parents who went on camp and helped make the event run as smoothly as it did.  


Thursday 13th May - Online Cyber Safety, Parent Information Session

Thursday 20th May - Lapathon

Monday 31st May - Excursion, Wurundjeri Walking Tour

Grade 4 Team

4A Phoebe James

4B Melanie Davis 

4C Nicole Klaassen

4D Kellie Runciman