Mr. Nathan Black, Acting Principal

Resilient Compassionate Successful Citizens – that’s our vision for students. At the last assembly I asked students “Are you Reddy?” unpacking the expectations that sit behind the school values. Further work will follow in this space as we build a safe, respectful learning environment for all students. Please take a moment to ask your child, Are you Reddy?


NAPLAN concludes this week, to the relief of year 7 and 9 students using this to demonstrate the learning aspect of our values. Individual results will be available and distributed to parents later in the year, while the collective school results will be used to inform our progress. Thank you to staff for the additional support with implementing this program, but mostly thanks to the students for applying a growth mindset and trying their best. 


Next Tuesday 25th of May, is parent – teacher interviews. Bookings are made through Compass. If you haven’t been able to make a time to meet with a teacher next week, please send them an email, through Compass, to arrange an alternative time. Otherwise call the office requesting the teacher to call you back. 


The year 12 retreat concluded today. Senior students using the time to take a break from daily school routine to refocus, explore mindfulness and good study habits. Spending more time with each other as a cohort, socially, is a bonus. Thank you Laura Caruana and staff for organising and leading this activity.


Mr. Nathan Black

Acting Principal