School News 

Prep News

This week the Preps were introduced to ‘Friendology’, a program aimed at teaching them how to develop and maintain healthy friendships and manage conflict in positive ways. 


In our first session, students learnt about making friends. We discussed how we are all unique in different ways but can have common interests that help us to form friendships. Students learnt about the importance of introducing themselves to others and suggesting ideas when asking someone to play with them. We also talked about how to have a conversation, by working with a partner and taking turns to each ask and answer questions.


We are also very excited to be going on an excursion on Monday to participate in a Friendology workshop! Luckily for us, there was a cancellation, so students will have the opportunity to put these skills into practise while completing some fun hands-on activities.


Have a wonderful week,

The Prep Team

Level 1/2 News

We are now half way through term 2 and there have been so many exciting activities and learning occurring in Grade 1&2. 

In Reading, we have started looking at the different features of non-fiction texts and the purposes of these features. We have read some very interesting facts. On Wednesday we also enjoyed National Simultaneous Story time listening to the story ‘Give Me Some Space’ by Philip Bunting.

In Writing, we have created some outstanding poetry pieces, improving our use of descriptive vocabulary. This week we have started learning about procedural texts, writing instructions for others to follow to achieve a goal.

We are continuing our subtraction focus this week, improving our understanding of a variety of mental and written strategies. We have also been learning about the relationship between addition and subtraction. It was wonderful to see so many students enjoying themselves at our Open Night too! 

In Inquiry, students have made towers from uncooked spaghetti and artwork form cooked spaghetti. They have also experimented with making their own bubble blowers. So much fun!

Mondays in Grade 1&2 have also been a blast with students participating in AFL clinics learning kicking and handballing skills, and playing some really fun games.

Please enjoy perusing the following photos of just some of the fun times in Grade 1/2.


Have a lovely weekend,

The Level 1/2 Team

Level 3/4 News


Well, what a busy couple of weeks it has been in Level 3/4! 


Students made us so proud during a very exciting NAPLAN week where they tried their Personal Best with the four assessments over Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  There was persistence, resilience and determination in abundance and teachers are so full of pride.  Well done!


In Maths, we have been investigating Geometry with a brief recap of angles and the transformations of flips, slides and turns.  Our geometric art is certainly brightening up the classrooms with symmetrical monsters and name insects, as well as angle robots adorning our books and walls! Our angles rap song warm-ups have been a hit too.



Students have continued their Narrative Writing unit which will culminate in a short story to be published for student Portfolios.  This is a wonderful chance for everyone to showcase their knowledge of what makes a great narrative piece of writing and to take their reader on a journey.  We can’t wait for families to see these pieces soon.


In Reading, we are focusing on identifying the main idea of a text and the supporting details while on Wednesday, we took time to participate in National Simultaneous Story Time. Some classes even read along with NASA astronaut Shannon Walker who read ‘Give Me Some Space!’ from the International Space Station! 



It was fantastic to see so many families at the Open Night with lots of enthusiastic Tangram puzzle solvers in the 3/4 area.  Well done to those that completed an activity in each area of the school and who now have a full passport to swap for an icy pole at the canteen on Friday!



Here’s to more great learning in coming weeks!


Carolyn Allan, Teagan Cairns, Clare McCandlish, Damien Smith and Katie Smith




Level 5/6 News

      Wow! Another huge week in 5/6.  Over the last week, we completed the NAPLAN testing.  The year 5's sat the official tests each day and worked extremely well under the test conditions.  We also gave the grade 6 students a past NAPLAN test to give them the experience of the test conditions in preparation for next year.  All students did a marvelous job, well done. 

We had a huge number of students compete in the District Cross Country, Well done to all the students who ran on the day.

In mathematics, students have been busy creating their own backyard using all the skills they have learned over the last few weeks.  They have applied their knowledge of area and perimeter to work out some of the key features of their backyard.  

Have a wonderful week ahead.