Library News


National Simultaneous Storytime


Many of our classes joined in for this experience on Wednesday...


National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is an annual event that aims to engage children of all ages to enjoy books by creating a sense of excitement around reading. 


This year, we listened to astronaut Dr Shannon Walker  reading "Give me some Space" from the International Space Station! 


In "Give me some Space"  Una is a singular girl on a mission: leaving Earth behind for greener pastures—or in this case, planets. Smart, determined and ingenious, she crafts herself a homespun spacesuit and rocket ship, says goodbye to her goldfish and launches into the galaxy. 


We loved it.....



Preschool Visits

Each week our Preschool visit us in the library. We have a story and they each borrow a book. Recently we have been borrowing information books or Non Fiction books.


Last week we had a surprise visit from our Room 2 students and enjoyed some shared reading.