Principal's Report
I am really pleased to be stepping into the Principal role while Ms Keddie is on leave for 5 weeks. During this time Sarah Robertson will be our Deputy Principal and we welcome back Nicole Kiriakopoulos in the Inclusive Education and intervention role. In another change to staffing we have farewelled Nikki Curtis, our Finance Officer and welcome Sarah Nobes who will be taking on the finance role, beginning next Monday.
Our Annual General Meeting was held this week on Wednesday 19th May. Thank you to all who attended and congratulations to the following people who were elected to Governing Council:
Andrew Mills
Mel Stepancich
Tammy Kuchel
Siamak Fallah
Trevor Scroop
Beryl Scroop - Aboriginal community member
Dana Wortley Member for Torrens- Community Member
Our year 3, 5 and 7 students have been undertaking NAPLAN testing during weeks 3 and 4. NAPLAN is a point-in-time assessment that allows parents to see how their child is progressing in literacy and numeracy against the national standard and compared with their peers throughout Australia. For us, it provides an indication of where we can further improve in Literacy and Numeracy.
Our student leaders are well underway with their work to support the school community. The Whole School Events Team have been planning some exciting events for Reconciliation Week and the Sustainability Team are planning a casual day for World Environment Day. You can read more about the work our Sustainability Team have been doing in this newsletter.
On Friday 4th June our staff will be participating in the fourth module of Berry Street Education training, to continue to develop strategies to support trauma informed practice. This day will be a Pupil Free Day for students.
Term two is certainly proving to be a busy and exciting one.
Sarah Crosby