News from Health and Physical Education

Motor Skills 

This term has been exciting for Physical Education. As we reach the end of Autumn and our lessons are becoming colder, the chilly weather proves to be no barrier to our students. Rain, hail, or shine, equipped in their St. Bridget’s armor, their polo shirt, and shorts, they face the cold and dedicate 100% of their efforts to their learning in PE. (Though I use this opportunity to remind our families that as the days get colder, students are encouraged to wear their tracksuit pants and school jumpers on Fridays as many of our lessons take place outside). 


This Term, our Prep students have been working on their perceptual-motor development. They have been practicing their balancing, skipping, throwing, catching, leaping to improve their locomotion, hand-eye coordination, and spatial awareness. 


Meanwhile, our JLC students have been participating in a range of different activities like skipping and hula-hooping. We have been exploring the fun and exciting ways they can be physically active.

Our MLC and SLC students have been participating in different games like scoop ball and rapid-fire. They have been spending time developing their skills within these sports and have also been playing games. These games give students the opportunity to work together in teams, practice their leadership and cooperative skills and achieve success. 


I commend every single student at St. Bridget’s for their enthusiasm and commitment to PE this year. They give so much passion and energy to every single lesson and have helped me to expand my knowledge and skills as an educator. We have had so much fun in our classes and every student is an absolute pleasure to teach. I could not ask for more from them.


I further commend our students for their resilience and adaptability as we endure our Circuit Breaker lockdown. I also remind families of the importance of remaining physically active during these times. It is crucial that all children try to exercise for an hour every single day, whether it be going for a walk, riding their scooter, kicking the footy, following along to a dance class on YouTube, even helping out with the vacuuming! This is not only for their physical benefit but for their mental health as well. 


I wish you all the very best, especially in the next few days. Stay safe and active.



Miss Sophie Brugliera

Health and PE teacher.