News from MLC

Online Learning

This past fortnight, we have returned to online learning and although this is can be a very stressful and frustrating time, the students of St. Bridget’s have adapted well and are working extremely hard. I am so proud of all of my students who have consistently come together and worked really well as a group either from home or at school.


We have been on Zoom from Day 1, learning in a new and ever-changing way. I have tried to make online learning as similar to learning in the classroom as possible. We have structured the day so that the children can have brain breaks and time away from the screen as much as possible while still being fully engaged in the curriculum. 


One of the ways we have been working to support our children in their learning is through the use of breakout rooms that allow the children to work in groups to support each other. The students do this very well and are great at teamwork. They are able to use the social skills that they learned in our Inquiry subject.


Thank you for supporting your child through this challenging time in their learning.


Mr Tom Brophy

MLC Classroom Teacher