News from Prep

Maths and Literacy

For the past few weeks, we have been joined by Miss Tallarico in Prep.  Miss Tallarico is a Pre Service Teacher from Australian Catholic University who is currently completing her final teaching placement with us. Miss Tallarico is enjoying her time at St Bridget's and has really enjoyed getting to know all of the Preps. Please take a moment to say hello and introduce yourselves if you see her.


In Maths, we have been learning about graphs and data. We have made picture graphs, bar graphs, and column graphs.  Using different methods, we have been collecting data and then collating that data into a visual representation of what the data means.


Each child was given a packet of  M&Ms and was asked to creating a column graph of the colours that we had in our packet- then the Preps could eat them!

All the children enjoy participating in prayer in the mornings. Each student has a candle and can change the colour of their candle using a remote control. Everyone participates in saying our special morning prayer, the Our Father, and then the children are invited to share a special prayer or intention that they may have with the class.


We have become very good at doing the roll in Italian.

When Mrs. Maher says “Sei in classe oggi?”

We answer “Si, sono in classe, oggi”

We are now learning to say ‘God bless you' in Italian, “Dio ti benedisce”


In Literacy, we have been making up our own words using little laminated letters. We can write lots of words. When we learnt the letter Nn, we made pasta necklaces to represent the N sound and to solidify the children's understanding of the sound and letter.

Recently we have celebrated two birthdays in the Prep class. The children really enjoy celebrating their birthday with their classmates. 

During remote learning, we were able to still participate in an art activity by completing a guided drawing of a dinosaur. 

We can not wait to see everybody back at school soon. Well done to all the Preps who have worked so hard during this lockdown.


Mrs Margaret Maher

Prep Classroom Teacher