Bianca Vescio


We have begun to work on recounts in writing by focusing on the text ‘The Little Refugee’. Our spelling pattern this week is /er/ as in fern. Students began with investigating any words that had the /er/ sound (work, shirt, church, fern) before focusing on our spelling pattern of the week. In reading, we are focusing on visualising - making a mental picture in our mind as we read.



In maths, this week students have been working hard! Many have been introduced to vertical addition for the first time, which has been a challenge for some but we have put our growth mindsets to work to improve our abilities. Some students have been challenging themselves with word problems and various problem-solving tasks as well.




Students have been assigned an explorer from the ‘Age of Exploration’ in pairs and began researching their explorer’s early life, principal voyage and legacy.



We have continued to learn about how we can show we follow Jesus’ word through our actions, thoughts and words. Students have found news stories about people who have completed selfless acts of kindness and compassion to those in need and reflected upon why these people are showing the values of our Catholic faith.