Mark Butters


We are having our FIRE Carriers ceremony tomorrow afternoon for those students involved. FIRE stands for Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education. The whole school will be outside on the turf for the ceremony. 



Students have all started reading a new novel with their group this week. Students will complete literacy activities using this novel each week. The main point of these groups is so teachers can target students at their point of need and promote a shared discussion of novels each week.



We will finish working on Shape this week. We have mainly looked at 3D shapes and many students have used 2D nets to make 3D objects. This is an important concept for students to understand so they are able to describe the features of shapes. We move onto Area over the next fortnight which will flow on from Shape.



Continuing with our look at the Sacraments this week although some of the time has been taken up discussing the FIRE Carriers with Mrs Green.



We have begun a unit on Democracy. So far we have unpacked the various words we might hear during this unit before we take a closer look at democracy and government in Australia.