From the Office

COVID Update

Just a quick COVID regulation note. The presence of COVID 19 does require us to put measures in place once again. The DET and Health Departments ask that parents / carers and the community (other than essential workers) remain off-site. This means parents / carers are to drop off and pick up outside the schools grounds. Our staff will ask that adults remain at the gates and do not enter the school grounds. You are able to enter the school office – numbers of adults will be limited to the correct square metre requirements. Essential workers will be required to sign-in and QR Code upon entry. Thank you for your assistance with this during these challenging times.



Keep an eye out for our new award certificates. These will start coming home with students from today. The certificates look great and will save on printing and laminating costs.






"Why fit in when you were born to stand out (Dr Suess) Our Student Leadership Council group met today and have voted that the last day of Term 2 (Friday, June 25th) will be a CRAZY HAIR day but full school uniform is required. Gold coin donation will go towards fundraising for a second soccer goal for students on the oval.



We are ordering school beanies. We held a vote for staff and students and this was the most popular design. Beanies will cost $15 each. These will be an optional piece of school uniform aimed at keeping students a bit warmer on cold days. If you would like to pre-order a beanie for your child/children, a note went home with the eldest in the family this week.


The time has come to name our second school puppy. The puppy is a female "medium groodle" and the colour is cream/apricot. We are yet to see a photo, but hope to receive one this week (the photo below not our actual puppy, but is what she will probably look like). Students have provided name suggestions & the top four names are now open for voting on. Click on the link to place your vote. Voting closes Thursday 24th of June at 3pm so we can announce the name at assembly on Friday.




Our Fund-raiser finishes this Friday, June 25th so if you have any bread bags and tags at home, please bring them in. We have nominated sporting equipment as our prize.




Slime Spectacular Fun Run

Just sharing the survey results. It is quite clear that next year the P&F and Echuca Twin Rivers School will be hosting a Slime Spectacular. 

Thanks for all your assistance with surveying students.