Principal's Report

Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers 

Happy holidays everyone, please stay warm and safe. 


I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Harvey sincerely, for her work in the office for part of Term One and all of Term Two. She is a very supportive, energetic and committed member of the Leadership Team both as the Learning Specialist and as the Acting Assistant Principal. Ms Harvey has worked tirelessly to ensure teachers, students and parents/carers are attended to in every way. I know 5 / 6 C are looking forward to her return in Term Three. Once again, thank you Nat, immensely! 


The presence of COVID 19 does require us to continue to put measures in place. The DET and Health Departments ask that all visitors to schools, parents / carers and the community, wear face masks when inside and outside when 1.5m cannot be adhered to. Parents / carers can drop off and pick up both inside and outside the schools grounds. If you need to enter the school grounds for any reason, please you must, QR Code in. QR Codes are on the gate and on classroom doors for your convenience. Our staff will ask that adults QR Code in and or sign in where necessary. You are able to enter the school office – numbers of adults will be limited to the correct square metre requirements. Essential workers will be required to sign-in and QR Code upon entry too. 

Unfortunately, School Council meetings will remain on Webex. 

Assemblies remain school students and staff only (no visitors). 

Hand sanitising and washing throughout the day will occur vigilantly. 

Face coverings are to be worn at all times, inside and where a 1.5m distance is unobtainable outside. 

School tours can take place and all new families are able to access our website which provides further information, a virtual tour and Prep 2022 information to assist.

All camps, excursions and incursions can go ahead.

Staff are to sign in and out every day.

Please continue to communicate via ClassDojo, email, read our Facebook posts, make phone calls and or text if you require any further assistance at all. Staff will get back to you in a timely fashion. 

Thank you for your co-operation and understanding during this uncertain time for all of us. Stay warm, stay safe. 



Reports will come home electronically this week. If you require a paper version / hard copy, please contact your child’s teacher to obtain one. 


SMILE SQUAD Dentist visit

The SMILE SQUAD Dentist service has been postponed until the end of Term 3. Due to demand and number of schools to service unfortunately, their visit to ETRS will be a later than anticipated. Please, keep the permission forms coming in, if you wish for your child/ren to see the dentist when they are on-site. 


Dogs Connect Program

Please vote on the name you would like to see our Groodle puppy have. Refer to ClassDojo for instructions on how to vote. 


Dogs Connect is a mental health, well-being and resilience building program. It connects communities with a well-being dog through a proven approach that delivers sustainable planning and modelling to meet specific needs of each community, now and into the future.


Through building each program as a trauma informed approach to mental health and wellbeing we find opportunities to connect with individuals, groups, and broader communities so that a wide range of impacts are felt.


Through the recent impact on education in Australia as a result of COVID-19, the Dogs Connect team have been creative in finding solutions to support students and staff during online learning and working, as well as having reported significant positive outcomes related to transitioning back to school and work for staff and students after two consecutive lock downs whereby many aspects of life were undertaken remotely and online.


The Dogs Connect Team have committed to building a business model in order to sustain growth, deliver results on a broader scale, and become a leader in the mental health and well-being field within not only the education sector, but extending reach into industries such health care, aged care, justice communities, and emergency services.


Our vision has always been about finding ways to have more well-being dogs in workplaces / communities. We have very recently invested in production of a high quality online training package in response to seeing the need for scaling Australia wide and eventually internationally with the intended outcome being that the program can be more easily accessible and cost effective.


I will keep everyone up to date with the progress on receiving our puppy, where he/she will be housed and what the puppy, our students and staff are up to. 



We have had a number of students beginning to wear black or coloured bottoms and non-uniform jumpers (eg. track suit pants, shorts or leggings, hoodies or jumpers) to school. Please ensure your child is in correct uniform each day. This includes navy blue bottoms and the tops with the school logo on it. If you require support with uniform please don't hesitate to contact us. 



It is great to see so many students riding bikes or scooters to school. We have noticed that a number of students are not wearing helmets. If your child requires a helmet we do have a number of spares that we can give to students at school. Please contact myself or the office if you need a helmet. 



A reminder: Smoking is not permitted within or around the school. Smokers are asked to refrain from smoking near the school gates and must be at least 4 metres from any entry or exit point. We kindly ask that cigarette butts are picked up and disposed of responsibly.  


Early Dismissal for end of Term Two

The students will be dismissed at 1.45 pm at the end of Term Two and Bus Travellers at 2.00 pm.

Have a wonderful holiday and I hope to see some sunshine throughout. I look forward to all the fun filled holiday stories upon our return on Monday 12 July 2021. 


School Wide Positive Behaviour Update


This Week's Behaviour Focus

Our Value focus this week is an overview of all Values and the expectations that accompany.  



Respect, Inclusion, Responsibility, Resilience, (Academic Excellence)  


Have a great holiday.   


Julie Hommelhoff

Acting Principal


Nat Harvey

Acting Assistant Principal