Stars of the Week

This Weeks...

Jack D

For improving his concentration during writing (Miss O'Connell)

Oscar P

For being a kind and respectful classmate (Mr Mitchell)

Millie D

For her responsible attitude to her learning and respect for her peers and teachers (Rick D)

Blake K

For his engagement when creating 3D models in Maths and helping his peers (Rick D)

Braxton J

For always having a positive attitude to learning! (Miss Liv)

Jimmy Mc

For always making connections to his learning! (Miss Liv)

Heidi P

For always displaying a positive attitude (Mrs Bleicher)

Will P

For working with a positive attitude during writing (Mrs Bleicher)

Max G

For showing good leadership skills in the classroom (Mrs Bleicher)

Mackenzie V

For being an enthusiastic writer (Mrs Bleicher)

Eva M

For always trying her best (Mr Loader)

Mitchell E

For fully engaging in the Cricket Clinic (Mr Loader)

Dakodah P

For working hard to do her best (Mrs Brown)

Specialist Classes

Finley A

For being awarded the title of Year 3/4 Masterchef (Mrs Cosgriff)

Archer B

For being awarded the title of Year 3/4 Masterchef (Mrs Cosgriff)

Last Weeks...

Book Week Award Winners...