Student Wellbeing

Moments of Joy!

Welcome to Winter. It’s so cold! Chilly, wet, dark and…MISERABLE! It is worth remembering that shorter days, longer nights, coughs, illnesses, along with cold and gloomy weather can produce mental health challenges.


This can be very difficult in areas of the world that have long seasons without much light. Fortunately, here in Australia we don’t miss the sun for too long. We should, however, stay focused on our well-being during the winter months.


The fun we had making Honey Joys in our Values Cooking activity reminded me of the importance of creating and enjoying joyous moments. Children have a natural talent for bringing joy; from a baby’s laugh through to a pre-teen’s unexpectedly hilarious joke.



So, enjoy a well-earned break these school holiday. Chase the ‘winter blues’ away with special moments; whether it is baking (Honey Joys are easy!), getting together with friends or getting off the couch (come on, Tam!) and taking the dogs for a walk in the beautiful winter sun.

Enjoy some joyous moments!

