Student Awards

Student of the Week - 14/06/2019

Prep H - Phoebe Crozier - Trying her best in all of her learning. Showing signs of progress. Always displaying school values. 

Prep/1S - Isabella Donnelly - You have gained so much confidence this term. I love seeing your hand up more often. Keep it up! 

1/2C - Declan Stockwin - For a great week where you have followed the values and shown great transitioning.  

2/3R - Eden McIntosh - For always giving her best effort to achieve great results. Eden also takes great pride in the presentation of her work.  

3/4S - Keyon Taylor-Wilton - For the enthusiasm you have shown and the great learning you have been involved in since you joined us! 

3/4W - Summer Gerity - Impressed with your improved confidence in counting backwards and forwards from any given number this week. 

4/5J - Josh Moody - For a very positive week working hard to stay on task. 

5/6S - Bridget Brown - For showing a great understanding of strategies as you accurately completed a range of comprehension tasks. You are also taking opportunities to extend your leadership skills as you competently assist junior students. A super effort! 

Science - Arianna Hope - For her outstanding work on her Chocolate ICT project this week.

Art - Charlie Hodge - For always working to the best of your ability in Art. You always complete work to a high standard and display the school values. 

Values - Sienna Kubeil - For always being a hard worker and respecting all school values.  

Student of the Week - 21/06/2019

Prep H - Annie Dudley - Such a good week of learning Annie. Great concentration in Maths and fantastic work in your writing and reading.  

Prep/1S - Kyenan Diwell - For having a positive attitude and staying focused on his learning and behaviour this week.  

1/2C - Cooper Lowden - For always following our school values and helping out whenever I need. 

2/3R - Mia Weygood - For approaching her learning with a positive attitude. Mia always works hard to achieve her best. 

3/4S - Charles Waites - For excellent work on subtraction this week - and I loved the way you calmly supported a classmate!

3/4W - Adam Gillespie - For your excellent observations and comments you made during class reflection times. 

4/5J - Briley Boswell - For a positive approach to all learning tasks. Great work Briley!

5/6H - Arthur Smith - For a solid week's work during Writer's Workshops. You've planned and drafted your information report with focus and diligence and kept track of all your notes. Excellent effort!

5/6S - Darby Salter - For showing great persistence as you created your Winter Sports speech. You also worked co-operatively with others during the editing process.  

Science - Jade Smith - For her outstanding Chromatography work in Science this week. 

Art - Corey Cook - For excellent work with your 'Soup Can' in Art this week. You also helped others. 

Music - Noah Greco - For excellent work in music this week on guitar and keyboard.

Values - Jade Holmes - For her outstanding dedication to upholding all school values and taking pride in her school.