Classroom News - Year 2

Year 2

Learning Online

Mrs Phelps and Miss Simpson have been amazed with how quickly Year 2 have adapted to learning from home. Our favourite parts are when you share photos of you doing an activity or share your work with us. It makes us feel like we are functioning like a normal class.


Remember that a new pack comes out every Monday, and is avalible to be collected in the foyer of the school. Please ensure you get this early in the week so that you are not missing out on important resources.


Last week we had lots of fun in maths creating different arrays. Arrays are made up of rows and columns. We have been looking in the world around us to see if we could find arrays in day-to-day objects. Year 2's favourite was looking at a block of chocolate! Who knew it was also an array! Beau noticed that sky scrapers can also be arrays, this lead us to creating our own array city!


On the weekend Mrs Phelps and Miss Simpson uploaded a procedural video about how to make pancakes to go with our writing for this week. We have been delighted to see Year 2 making them at home and sending pictures in.


While at home we hope you continue to pray. We will upload a new prayer song every week as a relaxing and joyful way to start your day.