School News

Class Parents for 2020

Are you interested in being a class parent for 2020?  Class Parents roles include welcoming new families to the school and being a point of contact for parents in the class for information about different school activities.   For our Kindergarten classes we are looking for parents who already have older children in our school and would be willing to welcome our new school parents to St Mary's.  Please contact the School Office if you are interested.  For more information on the roles of class parents please refer to the school website


A reminder that our School Canteen is now closed until the end of term.

School Uniforms for Term 1

Tuesday - Year 1 and Year 2 - Yellow Sports shirt

Wednesday - Kinder, Years 3, 4 and 5 - Yellow Sports shirt

Thursdays - Year 6 - Yellow Sports shirt


Friday - All will students wear coloured house shirts.

Plastic Lids

Lids 4 Kids are collecting certain lids and bread ties to be recycled and turned into prosthetic arms and limbs.  There is a collection box in the school front foyer. It will be collected at the end of each week. 


During the last two weeks we collected a total of 1,367 lids.  Well done everyone, let's keep it going!!

Whole School Assembly

Whole School Assemblies for this term are cancelled.   

Newsletter Contributions

This is our last newsletter for this term.  Please email contributions for the next newsletter to by 5pm, Tuesday 5th May 2020.