Years 3 and 4

Writer's Notebook

The Year 3 & 4 students have been utilising their Writer’s Notebooks to enhance their writing. The Writer’s Notebook is where students gather and record their ideas and inspiration. 

Here are some examples from student books displaying their ‘My Interests’ and ‘Show Don’t Tell’ pages.



3/4 Athletics Day

What a fun filled day we all had last Friday! Students, teachers and parents braved the humid weather and participated in a great day at the athletics track. It was so lovely to share a day outside of school in a different environment. 

We would like to thank our parent helpers for their support on the day and leading students through the activities. Without your help we simply could not participate in this day. 

A big shout out to Miss Schie too for all her organisation.  

All students (despite the heat) had a great day and showed true Bimbadeen spirit in demonstrating the school values throughout the day. 

We were very proud to watch and observe their interactions and sportsmanship. 

Here are a few snaps of the action.