Remote Learning ART 

What a joy it is to be back at Bimbadeen Heights Primary! It has been wonderful seeing some students who I knew two years ago and meeting lots of new faces as they come through the Art room. Students across all year levels have been hard at work creating ocean themed art. We have been drawing, painting and learning how to use our art to spread a message of ocean sustainability.


These artworks will culminate in a whole school art show sometime in Term 2. Due to the constant changes in Covid regulations, I am unsure at this stage whether the art show will be online or on site. Either way, you will have the opportunity to see the wonderful artwork your children are creating.


The new preps have settled in well and have been learning all about self-portraits. These gorgeous, colourful artworks will soon be hung in the prep building for all to see. Grade 1 and 2 students have been learning about warm and cool colours whilst painting these wonderful tropical fish. Check out those happy faces!


We are looking forward to working with clay in the coming weeks also.


Happy creating!

Ms Laird