Mrs Caroline Galea 


Dear Parents, 


Welcome back to Term 2 and our new look newsletter.  From now on, the newsletter will be published once a fortnight.  If you have other members of your family that would like to get the newsletter each fortnight, please ask them to subscribe. 



Just a reminder that we are now moving into our Winter uniform.  Although the weather is still mild, it will not be long before the cooler weather sets in, so please make sure that all items of clothing are labelled.  Our windcheaters and jumpers seem to breed over the winter months.



This week, your child will come home with another box of Rapid Antigen Tests.  I would encourage you, particularly in this climate, to continue to test your child.   Recently however there have been some changes to Government regulations. 

Please note the following: 

  1. Children who have tested positive to Covid recently, do not need to test for 12 weeks after contracting the virus.
  2. Children who live in the same household with someone who has tested positive, can still come to school provided that they test regularly and wear a mask.

Please note that the school has a number of masks, so if your family requires masks, do not go out and buy them, please just ask.





Circus, Circus

Please refer to the Administration Page for information on Circus Circus performance and costume details.


Wellbeing Parent meeting

Please be sure to read / take a look at the Wellbeing page to get further information about our Wellbeing Parent evening.


Mother's Day Morning Tea

Please clear your calendars next Friday 6th May for a small Mother's Day morning tea. This is an opportunity for mums and grandmothers to have a quiet morning tea in the hall. The children will remain in their classrooms, giving the females in our community a much needed break.  Our Mother's Day stall will take place on Thursday May 5th. Raffle tickets also went out this week to the eldest in each family.  Should you require more raffle tickets, please let us know.










Staff Training

When the children go home it is time for the staff to continue with their own learning.

On Tuesday, our teaching staff once again updated their CPR and Anaphylaxis training. 


Children’s Absence from School

It is a requirement that if your child is absent from school, you either ring and advise the office on the day of absence OR email the teacher/office. Please note that if your child is absent from school for 3 consecutive days, without notification from you and we are unable to contact you, it is procedure that we have to ring the police and they will attend your house to do a welfare check. To avoid this, please take the time to report your child’s absence to us.