Teaching and Learning

Prep-2 News from Mrs Lightburn


We have been very busy over the last 2 weeks. We have had fun making paths on a map to show where we are going and writing the coordinates to find animals on a map of the zoo. We had our post-test on this topic last week and everyone had great results. We are now having fun with 2D and 3D shapes.


In writing we have developed characters to use in a narrative, developed a setting and a problem. When we are finished we hope to put them in the newsletter for you to enjoy.


We are all practicing hard for our cross country next week.

Year 4-6 News from Mr Collins

Last week as part of our investigations into 3D shapes we constructed our own. This activity demonstrated to students how many faces, edges and vertices each shape has.


Each of the Year 4/5/6 students were set a challenge to retell the (very bland) story of the Little White Hen in a more interesting way. Students had to write it keeping in mind the junior grade as their audience. After targeted teaching, conferencing, editing and publishing these stories were presented to the students and staff and were enjoyed by all. 

Easter Activities

Each Thursday for the last three weeks of this term we have been so very fortunate to have been joined by Mrs Fellini for some learning about Easter. Each week the students complete a craft activity related to this special time of year. We want to thank  Mrs Fellini  so much for giving up her time to not only come up to school to lead these activities but also the time and effort she has put in to plan and prepare these wonderful tasks for our students. 

Afternoons with Miss Coffey

Over the last few weekly sessions, the students have been working on a ‘Name Art’ piece. The aim of the artwork is to incorporate both our ICT skills, along with our drawing and design skills to create a placemat that represents us. Students have been encouraged to think about what make them ‘them’ and use that as inspiration.  Here are some of the Name Art pieces. 

Miss Coffey


The Grade 4’s have been practising their Basic Number Facts (adding numbers to 24) in our weekly sessions. Today we played a game called ‘Get out of my House’ to continue to revise them in a different way. Here are some photos of the kids playing together. 

Thank you to Bunnings Epsom

We are so very grateful to the Bunnings store at Epsom for their generous donation of gardening equipment and consumables for us to use as part of our fortnightly Outdoor Education Sessions and any other gardening projects we might have. We were gifted gloves, watering cans, kid sized gardening tools, seeds, pots, potting mix and even a bee hotel! We will put all of these to very good use over the course of this year and beyond.


Outdoor Education

We have been busy gardening and have even put some of our seedlings into the larger beds now due to them growing so well in the pots. We can not wait until we see some vegetables starting to develop. 


We were visited last week by an education officer from the Bendigo City Council who came to talk to each of our grades about Waste Management. We all learnt a great deal about the importance of recycling and exactly what goes in each of the coloured bins (and more importantly.... what doesn't).