Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report

Lunchtime Concert

Last week it was a great blessing to be able to see a number of students perform and a big crowd spread throughout the Southern Gardens in the school for our first lunchtime concert of the year. Watching some great performances, I was really touched to see a number of students performing for  the first time on stage. It was magnificent to see the excitement (mixed with some nerves) of these students. I was struck by the courage of these students to perform and also the great positive support and encouragement they received from our students. It was a safe place for them to begin their performing and who knows where it will lead. I was delighted to see this as a sign of our community being one where people do feel safe to put themselves out there and have a go. Well done to all the students involved, the wonderful, positive and affirming audience and the music staff for all their great work putting it on. We look forward to the concerts continuing throughout the year. 

Child Safety

The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is fundamental to Catholic Education. Please find below for your information a link to a document that outlines clearly the four critical actions for schools responding to a incidents, disclosures and suspicions of child abuse.


This week we have had a blitz on uniform as we are working to ensure our students take pride in their appearance and are respectful of our community and its expectations. We thank parents/guardians/carers  for their support and the students for responding well. This blitz is aiming to ensure all students are in correct uniform and maintain this for the rest of the year. We are of course aware there have been issues for some families with obtaining some items. Please send a note to your child’s Head of House where there is an issues with the uniform.

Key Dates

Looking ahead, please be aware of the following upcoming events:

  • Learning Conversation Tuesday 1 March 2022 (parents/guardians/carers are encouraged to attend via zoom);
  • Ash Wednesday,  Wednesday 2 March 2022;
  • Staff Professional Development Day, Tuesday 15 March 2022 (No classes, no students);
  • Whole School House Swimming Carnival (all day) Thursday 17 March 2022. 


During the last few weeks, as we have got deeper into the term, there have been a few occasions where we had to contact parents/guardians/carers in regard to some issues with their children. I am reminded of the partnership we enter into, the privilege it is to work with the students entrusted to our care and the team we form for the growth and development of your child. A reminder to please be in touch with us at the College if there is anything we should be aware that may assist us being able to better care for and support your child in their learning. 


God Bless



Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students