From our Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

Last week we entered into a very significant season on the Church’s calendar, Lent. Last weekend’s gospel reading from Luke, explores the dual themes of fasting and temptation. In touching on temptation, we have all I’m sure found ourselves in situations where we have been tempted to do something, or have something, with the ultimate beneficiary being self. Lent provides all with the opportunity to reflect on self and encourages us to be selfless in building a fairer, more just world for all. Sometimes this is referred to as “Building the Kingdom of God”. Fasting is a challenging concept. One way of looking at it is to reflect on a fasting period as “feasting". This might appear counter-intuitive. The prayer below perfectly unpacks this. I encourage all students during this time of Lent to feast on the themes illustrated in the prayer below:


The Fast Life

Fast from judging others;

Feast on Christ dwelling in them.

Fast from fear of illness;

Feast on the healing power of God.

Fast from words that pollute;

Feast on speech that purifies.

Fast from discontent;

Feast on gratitude.

Fast from anger;

Feast on patience.

Fast from pessimism;

Feast on hope.

Fast from negatives;

Feast on encouragement.

Fast from bitterness;

Feast on forgiveness.

Fast from self-concern;

Feast on compassion.

Fast from suspicion;

Feast on truth.

Fast from gossip;

Feast on purposeful silence.

Fast from problems that overwhelm;

Feast on prayer that sustains.

Fast from anxiety;

Feast on faith.

- Author Unknown

We also keep in our prayers at this time the people of Ukraine, exposed to terror, death, injury, uncertainty and displacement from their homes and country. May they be kept safe and soon find peace in their hearts.

School Review

In 2018 we, as a college, embarked on a process culminating in a four-year School Improvement Plan. A number of goals were articulated at the time under three broad headings, Catholic Identity and Religious Education, Learning and Teaching and Leadership for Learning and Resources. These goals are articulated below:



  1. Formation and professional learning opportunities for staff to foster an authentic and contemporary Catholic place of learning.
  2. Development of a recontextualising and dialogical Religious Education curriculum in alignment with and supportive of ‘To Live in Christ Jesus’


  1. Move all staff along the AITSL continuum towards lead teacher status.
  2. More than 12 months growth in 12 months is achieved for each student in both literacy and numeracy


  1. Develop all leaders to be Instructional Leaders
  2. Implement a whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour Support (Universals)
  3. Prioritise resources to enhance the delivery of contemporary, purposeful and evidence-based learning, well-being and community engagement.

This year sees the culmination of that plan and thus work has already commenced starting with firstly celebrating the achievements of the current plan, and then, recognising areas where growth was not witnessed and projecting ourselves forward into the next four years to identify a set of goals which captures the needs currently as well as into the future. Working alongside us as partners throughout this process will be a team of experts from the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited (DOSCEL) who will support us as critical friends as we dissect, analyse and determine a School Improvement plan which is evidence-based, aspirational and meeting the needs of the students now and over the next four-year period. 

Parents are key partners as first educators of their child and as such input is being sought from you together with our other key stakeholders, students and staff.

I look forward to updating you further throughout this process as we journey together in hope.


I am involved in many discussions on school uniform, to be honest probably too many conversations, but I read an interesting article the other day arguing strongly, not only for having a uniform but in ensuring the school uniform is worn correctly and with pride. Below is a summary of those arguments:

  1. Wearing a uniform is a badge of pride it creates an identity for a school and is an important part of being a school student.
  2. Uniforms show that you are part of an organisation. Wearing it says we’re all in this together.
  3. Uniforms give students a sense of belonging to a particular school and create an identity for the school in the community.
  4. A school uniform teaches students to dress smartly and take pride in their appearance.
  5. Uniforms help students to prepare for when they leave school and may have to dress smartly or wear a uniform.
  6. School uniform can improve learning by reducing distraction, sharpening focus on schoolwork and making the classroom a more serious environment, allowing students to perform better academically.
  7. A uniform means students don’t have to worry about peer pressure when it comes to their clothes. When everyone is dressed the same, worrying about what you look like isn’t so important. There is no competition about being dressed in the latest trend, which would put a great deal of financial pressure on students and parents. Potential bullies have one less target for their insults; it’s hard to make fun of what someone is wearing when you’re dressed exactly the same.

This from a student sums up in my mind the argument/s around wearing correct uniform: “My uniform might not be what I would wear in my own time, but it gives me a sense of belonging, takes away the pressure of what to wear and deters the bullies. School uniform isn’t fashionable, but that’s exactly why I think it should be here to stay.”

Recently the college has commenced a uniform blitz as we endeavour to instill in students an understanding of the importance of wearing the school uniform correctly and with pride. I ask parents to support us in our collective responsibility to have all students attending school looking smart and being smart in the choices they make.

Click here to gain access to the uniform section of our College web-site. Don’t forget Winter uniform is to be worn from the commencement of Term 2.

Enjoy the week ahead






Mr Chris Black
