Information Session for New Families

Introduction to Learning Technology at BSC
For Year 7 families and new families in other year levels
We would like to invite you and your child to attend an Introduction to Learning Technology at the college. This is a great opportunity for you to understand how technology is used to deliver teaching and learning. We will be covering:
- OneNote
- Our approach to teaching and learning
- Compass portal
- Assessment and Reporting
- Education Perfect
There are three sessions to choose from:
- Tuesday, March 22 at 6.00pm onsite
- Wednesday, March 23rd at 6.00pm onsite
- Thursday, March 24th at 6.00pm online via the Year 7 Channel in Teams
- All onsite visitors will be required to show proof of vaccination upon entry.
- Please bring your child and their device along to the session.
- Please enter via the reception office in the main building
Deb Kirk
Assistant Principal