What's Happening in the Classrooms: Senior School

Diverse community, diverse learning activities

YEAR 5/6

So far this term, the Year 5/6 classroom has been a busy one!


In Inquiry, the class are investigating the big question: How does my story shape my identity as a part of a culturally diverse Australia? They have been learning about life in Australia during the time of the colonies. Students have investigated the impact that the colonies had on the European settlers and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They create timelines of important events and look at how immigration and family stories have shaped Australia.


In Religious Education, they have been learning about the first Catholics in Australia and their challenges at the beginning of Colonisation. They will soon link this knowledge to what it means to belong to the Catholic Church today.

Measuring up
Measuring across
Measuring up
Measuring across
Measuring the world!
How many kids can sit on a bench if each person takes up 55 cm space and the bench is 2m?
Measuring the world!
How many kids can sit on a bench if each person takes up 55 cm space and the bench is 2m?

In Maths, there has been a lot of measuring, recording, investigating and problem-solving happening. We have already covered place value, length, area and perimeter and multiplication units. 


In English, students are learning about different reading comprehension strategies such as predicting and visualising, and they are looking closely at the structures and features of historical narratives. Soon they will begin writing their own.


On Friday, all the 5/6 students headed down to Autumn place to help with Clean Up Australia Day. They did a great job of working together to clean up the area.


Lea Drury

Year 5/6