John XXIII Rowing Club 

Meet you coach

Name: Sam Sivwright

Nickname: SIV 

Life Motto: Tough times never last, only tough people last.

Favorite Food: Spaghetti Bolognese

Advice for Young Rower: You can always take one more stroke.


Memorable rowing moment: The New Zealand Tour in its entirety will stick with me for life.


Sadly, Sam will be leaving our Rowing family on 24 March, 2022. He is going to attend the Qantas Pilot Academy for a Year in Toowoomba, Queensland, to become a commercial Pilot. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sam on behalf of the John XXIII College Rowing Community. Sam was a valued student in our Rowing Program during in his school years, and has grown to be an exceptional coach. He is a fine example of our John XXIII spirit in being a ‘man for others’. Thank you Sam. You will always have a place within our community.

Amazing Armstrong’s 

Our Saturday morning rowers were spoilt for choice last Saturday for breakfast. Many thanks to Mr Bruce and Mrs Liza Armstrong. They definitely put our previous BBQ eggs to shame with choices of poached, scrambled or fried eggs with bacon.


Saturday mornings rowing training is a great way to start your weekends and all families are welcome to come down and have a chat and enjoy a breaky roll. Serving time is 8:30am.

April Camps

Many thanks to those parents that have RSVP’d for the camp attendance. If you did not receive a SEQTA notification for this camp, please email me directly and I will send you a personalised email requesting consent and permission.


In addition, parent helpers have been requested for cooking and serving of meals at the Camps taking place on the College campus. If you are available, your help would be greatly appreciated.

Bunbury Regatta

Thank you rowers and families for your patience with crew selection. Our coaches work extremely hard to organise crews for this Regatta. This is a huge event with over 60 crews going out. It is always our aim to have each student race in a minimum of two races and if able, to assist with being a coxswain. The entries will be completed early next week, and communication will go to all rowers as soon as possible.


Should your son or daughter need to withdraw, please notify me asap. The club incurs penalties with late submissions and withdrawals, therefore any changes need to be made 1 week prior to the event.



All rowers are expected to return to the sheds after the Regatta to assist with cleaning the boats and unloading the trailer. Should you not be able to attend this part of the event, please email me. For all future regattas, a roster per year group will be arranged for Boat Duties. This will allow parents and rowers to plan their Saturdays to either directly leave after the regatta, or alternatively, plan for the longer day they are required to assist pack up. Bunbury will be all rowers, however, the roster will begin after that. 



Lorrelle Fortune

John XXIII Rowing Coordinator