
Community Mass

Thank you to Year 9 students who prepared this morning’s Community Mass. Next Friday, which is ‘Live Simply Day’ in the College, the liturgy will be prepared by students in Year 11. It is an appropriate time, in mid-Lent, to reflect on how commitment to persons who are poor and in need is  integral to our celebration of the Eucharist.


In accordance with current guidelines, Mass attendance is limited to students in the year group and staff members. We look forward to welcoming families, friends and alumni in the future, once COVID restrictions have eased.


Community Mass details:

  • College Chapel
  • Fridays in term time
  • Starts: 8:00am and concludes 8:30am


‘Family-focused, parish-based, Catholic school supported’


Parents of students in Years 3, 4 and 6

Students will be preparing for the sacrament of Reconciliation (Year 3), Holy Communion (Year 4) and Confirmation (Year 6). This time of preparation is joyfully shared by families, parishes and schools. 


Sacraments are celebrated in parishes – usually the parish you consider your ‘home’ parish. It is important to ‘enrol’ in the parish program, even for families in Catholic schools, as parishes need to plan ahead for these events. 


Enrolment details for parishes of Cottesloe/Mosman Park, City Beach, Doubleview and Subiaco may be found here


Alternatively, contact the Parish Priest or Sacrament Coordinator in your own home parish.


If you would like further information about the Sacrament Program:

GOOD NEWS for 3rd Sunday in Lent


The third Sunday of Lent is all about second chances. In the Gospel of Luke we have a fig tree that does not bear fruit, is earmarked for the chop and saved by the gardener. 


Jesus told this parable: ‘A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came looking for fruit on it but found none. He said to the man who looked after the vineyard, “Look here, for three years now I have been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and finding none. Cut it down: why should it be taking up the ground?” “Sir,” the man replied “leave it one more year and give me time to dig round it and manure it: it may bear fruit next year; if not, then you can cut it down.”’
                                                                  (Luke 13:6-9)


Jen Close, Creative Ministries Resources
Jen Close, Creative Ministries Resources

Over the centuries the goodness of God that always gives us another chance has not been proclaimed as vigorously as it should have been. We have focused on God's justice as though it was a once and for all, shape up or ship out sort of message…


We believe in Lent that we enter a holy time in our year and visit a holy place in ourselves where the fire of God's love should burn brightly within us. We are offered these weeks to re-examine our values, family history, commitment, fidelity and growth so as to chart how best we can grow old with God. To do this sometimes requires facing up to our sinful behaviour and making choices to change our lives. We can only do this when we trust that the fire of God's love is not about destruction, but compassion, forgiveness and a second chance.


May our prayer and celebration of the Eucharist be a moment to take stock and to assess with honesty the fruitfulness of how, as a sign of Christ's light within us, we live out our faith at home, at work and in the world.


© Richard Leonard


Refection is part of a longer homily by Jesuit priest, Fr Richard Leonard SJ. Fr Richard is the Director of the Australian Catholic Office for Film and Broadcasting, is a member of the Australian Catholic Media Council and is author of Preaching to the Converted, Paulist Press, New York, 2006.