From the Principal

A sense of community

The COVID related restrictions have certainly had an impact on some College events this term as we navigate the challenges of the pandemic. Our philosophy is to postpone rather than cancel events or look for an opportunity for a different mode of delivery.


We have attempted to be creative with recent swimming carnivals providing an opportunity for our swimmers and following prescribed protocols. Similarly, Music, Drama and Magis activities are continuing to flourish in modified formats.


This week we conducted a Secondary Assembly online. We are a community of people, and we thrive on bringing everyone together. However, it was brilliant to have our student leaders presenting online and highlighting the many co-curricular activities that are available. We have missed important welcoming and rite of passage rituals for students this term, but we are confident we will re-schedule these events as the year progresses.


A sense of community is also promoted through the College offering support to the people of Ukraine and those impacted by floods on the east coast. We received some excellent suggestions this week on how to manage discussions with children in challenging times from one of our parents who works for UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund):

  1. Make time for the conversation and listen to their concerns 
  2. Be honest: explain the truth in a child-friendly way 
  3. Be conscious of what your child is being exposed to 
  4. Reassure them with your normal family routines 
  5. Let them know that kind and dedicated people are doing everything they can to help 
  6. Take care of yourself 
  7. Offer them a practical way you can help as a family 
  8. Close conversations with care 

Robert Henderson







Our community in action

'It was a proud moment. There are so many people in need at present; but the JTC community is so special. I just wanted to let you know I have never been prouder of the school and it’s amazing students, parents, teachers and community.'  Dr Richelle Douglas

Dr Richelle Douglas a current parent at the College, and Derbarl Yerrigan Medical Director, recently sent out an SOS to some College families due to the enormous increase in COVID cases amongst Aboriginal families in Perth. Many of these impacted families have a lot of health issues, and some are caring for up to 10 children with COVID, as well as sick adults. Many didn’t have access to food or medicine.


Thanks to the College community, in just a day, Richelle had collected over $1000 dollars worth of groceries. The giving didn't stop there, a group of College students and parents attended Derbarl Yerrigan Health Services on a Saturday to assist packing more than 150 food and medicine boxes for families in need.