CEPS Kids are

Friendly Kids

This term we are working on 




and next week we are looking at




There are many important social skills we need to think about in the CEPS Kids

are Friendly Kids program, but perhaps there are none more relevant than punctuality


Being punctual simply means being on time. And unfortunately there are too many times when we are not as punctual as necessary. Being on time is important. 


At school it is important to be on time, ready and organised to begin learning whether it is at the beginning of the day or after lunch and recess.  Being on time shows that you are courteous and aware of the needs of those around you by not making them wait for you to arrive. 


Children who are late for school or late for classes during school often miss important information and this can leave them feeling left out for the whole of the lesson, as well as disrupting classmates and teachers. If you are late for class it is hard to settle down and concentrate.


It is everyone’s responsibility to be on time – mums, dads, kids and teachers.  So make a special effort next week and throughout the year.






The above students were rewarded with a CEPS award for showing TAKING TURNS skills.  This term's Value is COURTESY.







The above students were rewarded as our Value Ambassadors for the week.  The students worked very hard during the week representing all of our school values - COURTESY  RESPECT  CO-OPERATION  and RESPONSIBILITY.