Principal News

What a Busy Term So Far!

As we head into week 8 and reflect on the term so far, it is pleasing to see and hear about all the wonderful learning that is happening at our College. This is a credit to our resilient students and how well they have settled back into school life post the disruptions experienced throughout the last two years, and also to our wonderful staff and families who have supported our students along the way.



Covid-19 Safety

We thank all the families who continue to complete the Rapid Antigen Tests each week – this process helps to identify cases quickly and ensures that students are not coming to school when sick with the virus. 


Please advise the school if anyone in your family tests positive at any time, and please contact us should you need any support.



Smartwatches at School

Please note that the State Government mandated policy regarding student mobile phone use in schools, also stipulated that smartwatches be used conditionally at school. Students who wear a smartwatch to school must have all notifications switched off whilst at school, and use their wearable device for time telling purposes only.


Where students are observed using their wearable device for any purpose other than telling the time whilst at school, a warning will be issued in the first instance, and the device confiscated following further instances. 


The purpose of this policy is in-line with Brookside’s focus on cyber safety and appropriate use of technology, which is taught through our SWPBS framework and supported by our responsible user agreement.


The current Mobile Phone policy has been posted to families via Compass.

School Crossing Upgrade and Parking Around the School

Melton City Council have notified the school that they will be upgrading the School Crossing located on Rockbank Middle Road, East of Caroline Springs Boulevard. The works are programmed to commence on 9 March and will be completed by 22 March. Due to the above works the existing Pedestrian crossing will be closed from 16 March to 18 March. However, a temporary crossing will be provided with traffic controllers and School Crossing Supervisors.

We have also been notified that cars often park in front of drive ways and in no standing bays (and drivers leave the vehicles) during drop off and pick up at the beginning and the end of the day. This can cause much distress for home owners, and can create issues in emergency situations. Please note that Melton City Council has been contacted about these concerns and have indicated they will conduct surprise checks and issue fines. 


We kindly ask that you are considerate of the safety of not only your child/ren, but the safety of other children when doing drop-offs in the morning. 

Brookside’s 20th Anniversary 2021 Yearbooks

We are pleased to announce that the 2021 Yearbooks have finally arrived!


The school will gift one copy of the 2021 Yearbook to each family this week, in celebration of Brookside's 20th Anniversary - we hope each family takes the time to enjoy looking through this special commemorative keepsake. If your family does not receive one, please contact your child's HG teacher.

Swimming Carnival

The swimming carnival was recently held over two different days for our students in Year 3-9. Both days provided exceptional weather and our students were super excited to be able to participate in their first event for the year. Thank you to Miss Caitlin Pretty and Mr Daniel Cooper for organising the swimming carnival and to all staff involved who made the event such a successful one. Congratulations to all the students who progressed to the next round of competition. 

Parent Helper Expression of Interest Morning Tea

Thank you to all parents/guardians who attended the expression of interest morning tea, which provided an opportunity for parents/guardians to hear information about how they can assist/volunteer their time at Brookside. Parents/Guardians who are interested in becoming a parent helper will complete a more in depth induction session at a later date, which will include how to assist, confidentiality, child safe code of conduct and OH&S training. 


Year 8 and Year 9 Camp Information Night

Information sessions were held via Zoom on Thursday 10 March for the upcoming Year 8 Waratah Beach camp and on Wednesday 9 March for the upcoming Year 9 Gold Coast Camp. The evenings provided the opportunity to update families and deliver information about each camp, as well as answer any questions. 


Thank you to Ms Demi Geary; (Year 8 Leader), Ms Chloe Karras; (Year 9 Leader) and to all other staff who were involved in presenting the information to the families.


Consent Forms

A friendly reminder that all parents & guardians are asked to complete the Seesaw and Acceptable User Agreement Forms for each child. Your child needs your consent to be able to use digital technologies while at school and may miss out if you have not submitted your consent.


You would have also recently been sent a notification to complete Photo & Media consent for each child. Brookside College requires permission from parents and guardians in order to publish the participation and achievement of our students in the form of photographs or footage through school media platforms such as newsletters or the school’s website.


Please make sure that you read through all of the information and attachments carefully before submitting your response. If there are any concerns or clarifications needed feel free to contact your child's classroom/home group teacher, or you can contact Brookside's Digital Technologies Learning Specialist, Steven Bennett. 

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Monday 28 March via Zoom. Families will be able to book a 10 minute interview with their child/ren’s teacher/s from 1:00pm-7:00pm via Compass. The Parent Teacher Interviews is an opportunity for parents/guardians to discuss their child/ren’s progress thus far and to ask any questions. Watch out for a Compass notification advising of when the booking cycle will open.


Please note: Students will be dismissed at 12:45pm on this day so that the parent teacher interviews may begin at 1:00pm. 


We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

The Executive Team