Prep Elissa | Determined Award - for always trying your best and having a go at all your tasks. We were super impressed with your ‘Ally Talk’ and the way you have used the tens and ones blocks to represent double digit numbers. Keep up the amazing work! |
Junior K Elan | Determined Award - for being so focused during Maths and showing determined to master his work in number. |
Junior S Billie | Self Aware - for being so dedicated to her writing goal and producing a brilliant piece of writing with perfect punctuation and finger spaces between her words! |
Middle L/T Elise | Proactive Award - for taking initiative to use tools and strategies that will help with Maths, and volunteering to share ideas or strategies that you are proud of with the class. |
Middle A Julian | Self-aware Award - for using his strengths to help move forward in his goal setting, especially in his Maths. Well done Julian! |
Senior A Xavier | Curious Award: for the thoughtful questions and ideas you have shared during our Close Reading sessions. |
Senior L Jana | Proactive Award - for being a superstar with your Maths homework, handing it in a week early! Also for showing excellent determination in Maths Pathways - mastering 6 modules with 200% growth!
| Creative Award - for the amazing and creative way you have worked on the current design and Mathematics challenge. This challenge requires teamwork and collaboration as well as to think of creative ways to solve certain problems. It required persistence, resilience and a great degree of creativity. |
P.E. JUNIOR K | Determined Award - for displaying great determination when attempting to sprint using the correct running technique as well as for working together with other team members whilst running relays. |
MANDARIN MIDDLE L/T | Determined Award - for trying your best in all Mandarin learning tasks this term. You showed incredible determination and persistence with your family trees this week. You all listened carefully to learn the different names for each family member and even included pets. Well done keep up the brilliant work! |
Visual Art PREP | Creative Award - for your colourful ‘Cranky Bears’ that you were able to decorate… it was such a joy to watch you work with this medium as you experienced the magic of watercolour pencils. |
Performing Art JUNIOR K | Creative Award - for your delightful behaviour and gung-ho acting skills this week… your ability to improvise is improving week by week! Congratulations everyone! |
Respectful, Responsible & Resilient
JUNIOR K Harry | Responsible Award - for the way you follow classroom expectations and instructions. You always go above and beyond and notice the little extra jobs that need to be done around the classroom. You are a super helper! |
JUNIOR S Udhayan | Responsible Award - for always doing the right thing and making positive choices around the classroom. You thrived in your job as 'teacher assistant' last week and are someone I know that I can always rely on to get a job done. |
MIDDLE A Max | Resilient Award - for being a superstar in all his tasks across the day. Max has put 100% effort into everything he does and should be commended especially for his writing and working towards his writing goals. Well done Max on a successful and hardworking week! |
MIDDLE L/T Hamish | Resilient Award - for a positive attitude and a huge improvement in handling challenges with friendships and learning. You are calming down quickly or not letting small problems bother you. |
SENIOR A Massimo | Respectful Award - for the thoughtful, kind and caring way you conduct yourself at school every day. You treat younger students, peers and teachers with the utmost care and compassion and you are an outstanding role model to all of us.
STEM PREP | Creative Award - for the amazing and creative way you went about talking and describing how the weather changes, how it effects the clothes we wear and how the different seasons of winter, summer, spring and autumn are different from each other. |
P.E. JUNIOR K | Determined Award - for persevering and applying themselves in their lesson this week which concentrated on throwing bean bags and a small foam javelin. They were determined to apply the right technique which included stepping forward with the opposite leg, standing side on, bending their arm and flicking their wrists. |
Visual Art JUNIOR S | Creative Award - for your competent use of watercolour pencils to bring your Cranky Bears to life… they look amazing!!! |
Performing Arts PREP | Creative Award - for your incredible dance moves on our makeshift dance floor in the Arts Space… I nearly had to call the Fire Brigade to help control the flames flicking-up from your shoes because your feet were moving so quickly during the Cha Cha, Running- Man and Free Dance. Congratulations and keep up the groovy moves guys!! |
Performing Arts Rising Star Award | Zara - for your enthusiastic and bubbly approach to our Drama classes each week. You are a shining light that brightens up our Black Box Theatre! (week 6)
Biagio - for your wonderful contributions to our Dance class this week - you are always happy to try your best and co-ordinate well within the dance group. (week 7) |