Celebrating the Feast of Saint Joseph and Presentation of Sacramental Candidates

Sunday March 20th at 10.30am


Thank you to the families who attended our Parish Mass on Sunday.  We gathered as a community to celebrate the feast of our patron saint Saint Joseph and present the children who will be making a Sacrament this year.



Sacraments at Saint Joseph's

Wednesday 30th March - Sacrament of First Reconciliation

Saturday 4th June - Sacrament of First Eucharist

Saturday 5th November - Sacrament of  Confirmation

Religious Education at Saint Joseph’s 

We are a Catholic School that models Religious Education lessons around the teachings of the Gospel where we are all encouraged to be the best person that we can be. We promote curiosity and wonder when exploring themes of Social Justice and we approach this learning using an Inquiry method based on the Pedagogy of Encounter. We explore other religions in the context of the Christian faith and encourage tolerance and acceptance of all people and all religious denominations. 


Sacrament Dates - Middles  (Proposed dates only at this stage,)

( Depending on guidelines at the time of the meetings - Zoom options will be available)

      TERM 1     31st January - 8th April

20th MarchSaint Joseph Feast Day Mass and Presentation of all Sacramental Children 10:30am
30th March Saint Josephs Sacrament of Reconciliation 6.30pm

TERM 2 26 April  ~  24 June

31st MaySaint Josephs: Faith Formation Night - Eucharist 6.30pm
2nd JuneSaint Josephs: Reconciliation Paraliturgy for Eucharist children 10am
4th JuneSaint Josephs: Sacrament of First Eucharist 5.30pm



Sacrament Dates - Seniors  (Proposed dates only at this stage)

                TERM 4            3rd October - 20th December

25th October Saint Josephs: Faith Formation Night : Confirmation
28th October Saint Josephs: Reconciliation Paraliturgy for Confirmation Children 10am
4th NovemberSaint Josephs: Bishop Terry’s visiting Saint Joseph’s 10am
5th NovemberSaint Josephs: Sacrament of Confirmation 3pm