Inside the Classroom


The last few weeks have been full of learning and a range of class and school activities. Students have participated in Bullying No Way Day, Down Syndrome Awareness Day and Harmony Week, completing activities within their classrooms. Primary classes are enjoying the warm weather and getting out on the playground and some classes have been visiting local parks and playgrounds on weekly outings.

All students have been working hard in classrooms on a range of learning activities.


Miss Marley visits most Primary classes and the students and staff love her activities. The students are all gaining confidence in touching, smelling, licking and biting new foods.

Some classes have had the chance to go to Lake Canobolas for sailing. Other classes will get the chance to go before the end of term (depending on the weather).

Classes are enjoying the spa and accessing the gym for therapy, regulation and fitness. 

Primary classes will be busy working on Easter Hats in class over the next few weeks with the Easter Hat Parade approaching. This will be held on Thursday 7th April (information will be sent out).


 Kari Priest

Stage Leader

Stage 4

Class 14 have had a busy few weeks and Miss Georgie and Mrs Callaway are so proud of the progress they have made!  Students have improved their cutting, peeling and washing up skills during cooking lessons.  They have recently enjoyed fried rice, spaghetti bolognaise and home-made chicken nuggets.  


In Mathematics they have been studying area. Students have drawn and calculated the area of squares, rectangles and irregular shapes using formulas and counting strategies. Here they are working in pairs to create shapes determined by the roll of the die. The student with the most area covered at the end is the winner! Class 14 look forward to their weekly visit to the Skills House with Miss Edwina, where they have practised folding towels, sheets and various clothing, laminating and paper cutting, wiping tables and typing skills. The majority of students can now perform these independently!  Now that’s “Independence Through Learning”!

Class 15 have had a fantastic few weeks. Miss Burns and Miss Evans have been especially delighted to see the growing skills and team work of students during our weekly cooking lessons. Mrs Huggett helped us out with our graffiti art projects and it was wonderful to hear the insightful and compassionate comments from students during World Down Syndrome Awareness Day. On "Bullying No Way Day", we continued working on our unit on the film "Isle of Dogs", where we discussed the role of a bystander and the importance of moving beyond simply saying "sorry" when repairing relationships.

Class 16 have worked hard in all areas of the curriculum over the last few weeks. A focus has been on building vocabulary, reading, and writing. Students have enjoyed designing a town and adding all the buildings they thought were important to living a full life. We went on an outing to discover many purposes for buildings in Orange. Today we visited Elephant Park for a workout on the equipment before having a milkshake. 

Cassie Lloyd

Stage 4 Leader

Stage 5

Stage 5 welcomed a new student this week, Lina. Lina has joined class 9 and is a very talented artist. We can’t wait to show you some of her work in the near future.

With Bullying. No way! Day last week and Harmony Week this week, stage 5 students have been promoting a kindness culture across the school. Lina has volunteered to visit classes across the school and read books to other students. Class 7 students have also been reading books that promote the theme for Harmony Week- Everyone Belongs. Class 9 explored their own cultural identity and family histories and created a map showcasing the diversity of our peers.

News from Class 8…

Each week Class 8 have been involved in recycling bottles and cans at the local Return and Earn centres. Bottles and cans can be recycled and the money donated to Anson Street School. On Monday we visit Lone Star Restaurant to collect their used bottles and cans. We then take the bag of bottles to one of the Return and Earn centres. These are located at the North Orange Woolworths car park, at the old Flip Out site in Edward Street and next to the Royal Hotel in Blayney. 

We put the bottles and cans through the Return and Earn machine. When we have returned all bottles and cans we need to remember to press the Donate button and select Anson Street School. It is a great experience being able to do something which helps out our school and our planet. 

Please help us by also donating your Return And Earn money to Anson Street School. 


Elke Cunial

Stage 5 Leader




Stage 6

Stage 6 students have been enjoying a great range of activities starting with Bullying, No Way! Day last week where our student leaders helped create a video to share ways on how to spread kindness and manage bullying situations. This week students have participated in a range of Harmony Week activities focusing on the theme of Everyone Belongs. Students have participated in stage wide discussions on cultural awareness and inclusiveness acknowledging students and staff heritage. 

Primary Industry students have been learning about farm and industrial safety while planning and developing our senior space vegetable garden beds. Students are planning to plant vegetables that we can harvest this winter to cook in technology classes. 


Jess Hodder

Stage 6 Leader





Class 18 is really enjoying cooking this term. This week the boys made sushi together. They even tried pickled ginger and wasabi!

Paddock to plate in action. Class 17 and OLC 2 students have been visiting the chickens, collecting their produce, and then scrambling it!!! The leftover toast crusts were then presented to the chickens to eat - food recycling in action!!!


Class 18 has been learning about the Earth and its place in the Solar System. They used different-sized balls and globes to discuss the difference in size and distance between the Sun, Earth, and Moon. Class 17 have been learning about war and the importance of occasions like ANZAC Day.

Students are also enjoying the mindfulness that comes from Art.

Break times are all about the basketball court at the moment. There are many examples of great skills and sportsmanship. OLC 2 students have also been helping out with Primary sport.

Mrs Griffen

Head Teacher Campus