What's Happening

What is The Big Vegie Crunch?  

The Big Vegie Crunch is a fun health promotion event to help our community UP THE VEG. Our school will be taking part in The Big Vegie Crunch (part of Vegetable Week) at 10am on Thursday 31 March 


Primary schools across NSW will be joining together to break the record for the most students crunching vegetables: 

  • 50,260 students crunching simultaneously (2018 record)  
  • 14,991 students crunching at other times over Vegetable Week (2019 record) 

What can you do to help?  

 Miss Marley 

School Dietitian/ Vegetable Week Coordinator 


Dietitian Week

We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful Dietitian working with us. Thank you Miss Marley for everything you do to make the lives of our students (and us) better and healthier.


In its 2nd year, Dietitians Week is exploring the role dietitians play by improving and transforming lives​.


At our school, Miss Marley organises our breakfast program, cooks with students at breakaways (lunch clubs), and works with staff and students following individual or class referrals for nutrition support.


Melanie Meers




Walk for Autism

As a school team we have stepped up to Walk for Autism to help create a world where no-one on the autism spectrum is left behind. Starting on Sunday 27th March we will be challenging ourselves to walk 10,000 steps a day for 8 days while raising much needed funds to support people on the autism spectrum.


An estimated 1 in every 70 people is on the autism spectrum. Along with their family members, this means autism is a part of daily life for over a million Australians.

People on the autism spectrum see, hear, feel and experience the world differently. For many, simply coping with the everyday can lead to confusion, anxiety and isolation.


By coming together and taking action, we can help provide opportunities for people on the autism spectrum to participate, engage and thrive in the world around them.


We would LOVE for our students and families to join our Anson All Stars team!!!



Elke Cunial

Assistant Principal



Year 7 Vaccinations

Thursday 24th March, year 7 students will have their first vaccination through the School Vaccination Clinic. This is the regular vaccination schedule for Human papillomavirus (HPV) and Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (whooping cough). The second dose will be in term 3.


Mrs Julie Hudson

Deputy Principal